Their hands touched me in safe places, my feet, my legs, my arms, my neck, only a brush of touches, before someone moved the headphones.

“We’re going to play a game now, Val. We want you to guess who it is that’s touching you. The first touch you guess right, will be the first one to fuck you. After that, we get to choose whether you get to come or have something else filled by another dick. Understand?” Derek asked me, and I nodded my head. That was the only response I could give. My jaw was starting to ache around the ball, but I ignored that. The fun part was about to begin.

The headphones went back over my ears, and I felt the first touch. A finger on my thigh. My jaw moved as I thought, concentrating. I couldn’t tell who it was, but I knew it wasn’t Diesel. His touch was rough, hard, even when he tried to be gentle. He couldn’t help how strong his hands were.

The finger moved up my thigh, while another set of hands moved to remove that ball gag from my mouth. I chuckled a little, I hadn’t even noticed I wouldn’t be able to say a name until the gag was removed. But then a pair of lips closed over my nipple and sucked hard.

“Derek,” I gasped his name, knowing that touch. I knew the brush of his lips around my nipple.

I couldn’t hear the responses, but I felt a vibration against my breast as Derek chuckled. The fingers between my legs increased their pressure as they went higher and I waited, panting from the scrape of Derek’s tongue against my nipple, from the way he sucked at the bud. Other lips found my other nipple, lips that touched me delicately, touched me with a tenderness I don’t think Diesel is capable of.

“Cameron,” I sighed, wishing I could touch his head.

I didn’t get an answer, but that finger moved into my folds, sliding up to touch my clit. The pressure should have been too hard, too much, but it felt just right as it glided over the button. My hips rocked in time with the music in my ears, setting a pace that the fingers in my pussy matched up with.

“Diesel,” I said, not knowing if they knew which touch I meant where, but not really caring either. It didn’t matter to me which of them fucked me first, so long as one of them did.

I couldn’t see anything, couldn’t hear anything but the music, and that narrowed my world down to the touches I felt, the things I could smell. Being deprived of my senses only made my brain focus more on what was happening, and all other cares or thoughts slipped away. All that I knew was their touch, the touch of three that had become one.

My heart pounded in my chest, and I was talking, but I don’t know what I was saying, all that there was in my world was pleasure. Another hand slid between my legs, sliding two fingers into the slick depths of my walls, filling me. I remembered Derek’s pierced cock, wondering what it would feel like inside of me. I’d find out tonight.

The image added to the sensations around me, and I felt a sensation that made me gasp, the first pulse, a warning that I was about to come. I hitched in a breath, tried to warn them, but I guess I didn’t need to. Whoever was touching me between my legs, whoever was on my nipples, all of them stopped.

“No,” I protested, but that only earned me the ball gag going right between my teeth.

I was almost there, on the verge of the biggest orgasm of my life, but they’d stopped me.

I clutched my hands into fists and twisted my hips, trying to tell them I wasn’t satisfied with the fact that they’d all stopped at the same time. I wanted to scream with frustration, but I didn’t. I waited.

Nothing happened for a long time, too long, as I felt my body start to calm.

I quickly realized what the game was when one of them loosened my wrists so that another one could pull my body down the table. My feet were on the edge of the table, encasing a torso as he moved close, though I didn’t know which one it was. I felt hands take my hands, felt other hands grasp me around the waist, felt lips go around my nipples again. They’d brought me to the edge, only to deny me.

How long would this go on?

The sensation of a dick sliding along the slit of my folds, preparing for entry, brought my attention back to what was really happening. I couldn’t tell if there was a condom on the tip, but they’d all agreed to wear one. I wondered if it would lessen the sensation from the barbells in Derek’s dick, and knew that was who was about to fuck me when I felt the hard metal as his dick slid over my clit. The metal balls were spaced just right to rub over my clit in the most maddening way, making my hips jerk again.

I moaned a sound of surrender, a sound of need, just before he gave in and slid into me in one sure thrust. It was a thrust that made my body jerk as I squeezed the hands that held mine.

I was nothing but sensation then, from the tongues that slid over my nipples to the hard and fast thrust of Derek as he fucked me.

“Derek,” I sobbed his name around the ball, wanting to say things that I know weren’t right in the situation. I wanted to say something I’ve never said to a partner before, to all of them, but it wasn’t the time. Even if I meant those words.

I could feel the orgasm building, I could tell it was close, and sighed in relief when someone removed the ball from my mouth. I remembered what Derek had said. If I guessed right, they’d decide whether to let me come or if I’d get something else filled. “Please let me come.”

I couldn’t hear if any of them responded, but I did feel one of them let my hand go so that it could travel down my abdomen and to my clit. A sound tore from me then, a sound I couldn’t hear, but I felt the way it tore at my throat as it came out. It was a harsh sound, a very unladylike sound but fuck being ladylike.

The balls of the piercings through Derek’s dick were rubbing so many nerves inside of me, over and over again as he slammed into me with enough force to make the table rock, that it was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before. But then, this was a night of first, wasn’t it?

I clenched at the hands over mine, panting, certain I was going to pass out, but I held on, wondering just how much I could take. I started to worry they’d denied me an orgasm for so long that I’d forgotten how to do it. But Derek continued to twist those dancer’s hips into me, thrusting deeper and deeper each time, his grip around my hips painful, but pleasurably so.

A shiver passed through me, a shiver of pleasure, a shiver of sound, and I tensed up, worried they’d stop, worried it would all be taken from me again, but they didn’t stop. Instead, that finger on my clit pressed down harder, Derek’s hips thrust faster, and the lips over my nipples tugged harder.

I moved my hands, touching faces, needing to feel their lips around my nipples, needing everything they could give me, to fight that fear, to reassure myself that this time, I was allowed to get off.

It started with a gasp that froze in my lungs as they filled with air, that moved into a clench of my walls around Derek’s thick cock, a cock that filled me completely. He imbedded himself inside of me as the orgasm started, halted for just a second before he stroked into me, slowly, before he matched the pace of the pulses of my pussy so exquisitely that I thought I’d die.

I tried to remember to breathe as my nerves came to life in vivid colors that drove pleasure up into my brain, tried to not die as it started over and over again, flooding through me in waves that kept taking a stolen breath away, before it released me and let me breathe again, only to start once more.

Derek had said it would blow my mind, I didn’t think he meant for real. I moved on that table, I was vaguely aware of that. I didn’t know, or care, what I looked like as my hips moved in time with Derek’s. I just knew that moving was automatic, I didn’t think about it or try to move, I just did. Every time I moved my hips up, Derek drove into me, stroking those overwrought nerves within me, soothed them, gave them another reason to make my muscles contract.

At the same time, the other men clutched at my breasts, teased my nipples, continued to feed the monster unleashed within me. I couldn’t stop, and for a second, I wondered if I was broken now, if they’d broken me, but then the pleasure exploded anew, taking all thought with it, impossibly surging through me all over again.