Idon’t know how, but I managed to go to sleep. I know I fell asleep because I woke up with Derek in my bed, holding me. I went still, surprised to feel him spooned behind me. I knew it was him, I could smell his scent, and something in my gut told me it was him. I relaxed, turning to face him, smiling.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about you in here, alone in this bed,” he said, and I put my hand against his left cheek.

“I’m glad you’re here,” I responded with a quick smile.

“All we’re going to do is sleep, angel. That’s it,” he said, but then he made it a lie when he kissed me. Or maybe he only meant to kiss me quickly, then pull away. It turned into more though, the instant our lips touched.

My black nightgown was around my hips, so when I lifted my right leg over his hip, naked skin met naked skin. “You’re naked, Derek. Did you really expect nothing to happen?”

“I expect that to continue, Val, yes. I’ll go back to the living room if that’s what it takes,” he said curtly, though I couldn’t see him clearly in the dark room.

I swallowed hard, twisting my lips to stop the protest. “Fine. I’ll behave.”

“Are you going to go back to sleep?” he asked, pulling me closer, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I settled into the space between his head and his shoulder against his pillow, letting my right arm go around his ribs. He felt powerful, silky smooth, and way too tempting to resist.

My hands started to roam, and when he didn’t protest, I kept moving them. “I’m not going back to sleep yet. There’s no chance of that.”

“It would be best if you did,” Derek said, but he didn’t move or make me stop.

There was silky skin beneath my hands. It stayed that way as my hands moved lower, until my right hand was filled with his cock. I almost gasped at how big he was, thick and long, longer than any man I’ve ever seen before. But what really surprised me was the sensation of metal balls. “Your dick is pierced?”

“Yes, it is,” he said in a strangled voice. “And if you keep playing with it like that, it’s going to go off.”

“Oh,” I said, but didn’t drop his dick. My thumb played over the barbells on the ends. There were four points piecing the tip of his penis, in an X pattern. “Didn’t that hurt?”

“Like a motherfucker,” he groaned when my thumb brushed the tip again and grabbed at my hands. “Now, seriously, go back to sleep.”

“But you’re hard,” I protested but he didn’t let my hands go.

“Listen, angel, if I do what I want to and tie you to this bed, I’d have to tell you I’m going to leave you that way until morning. That’s not what’s going to happen though. If I do what my dick wants me to, I’ll spank you after I tie you down, face first, then I’ll fuck you until you can’t stand up for a week. And I promised the others that wouldn’t happen. Don’t make me break that promise. I pride myself on keeping my word.”

“Fine,” I groused, wanting to continue, but I couldn’t make him go back on his word. It would be wrong. That doesn’t mean I won’t think about it though.”

“You can think about it all you want, darlin’, you can even go in the bathroom and get yourself off, but I’m not doing it for you. You can do whatever you want, but what you can’t do is have me get you off. Believe me, when you do finally get to come, Val, it’s going to be amazing.” He sighed and rolled over onto his back. “Or you can cuddle with me until you go back to sleep. Which do you want?”

“Cuddles,” I said instantly. For now, it was nice just to not be alone considering there was some crazy guy out there that had broken into my house once already. “And thanks for keeping watch over me.”

“Good night, angel,” Derek whispered in the dark.

“Good night, Derek.” I said, mouthing the word ‘dickhead’ to myself.

As if I’d fall asleep with him right there. I wanted to roll over and pout, but I didn’t. I fell asleep, instead, before I even knew it.

* * *

I woke up the next morning, alone, but with a note. He’d left at the crack of dawn, he had business to attend to. I bet he did, I thought with a smirk as I prepared frozen waffles and slathered them in grape jelly and butter. It was a trick that worked, so I did it on the mornings when I was out of maple syrup but still had waffles to get through.

I saw I had a text or two. One was from Derek. Last night was officially considered our date, thank fuck. That meant I only had one to get through. Which is why I also had a text from Cameron. It was his turn tonight.

I answered his question with a question of my own. “Are we going to be doing any adult activities?”

“You know the answer to that, Val,” he sent back.

“Okay,” I wrote back, my eyes rolling. I sent him the time I got off work and asked him what he wanted to do.

“How about we stay in? Watch some movies again, that was nice?” I stared at his reply, wondering if he was going to be homebody, while the others took me out to wine and dine me. I didn’t mind that one bit. In fact, it was nice that the men were all so different. They each brought something to the table that I liked very much.

“What kind of movies?” I asked back and waited.

“What about A Quite Place?” He sent back and I decided to have some fun with him.

“No superheroes?” I teased with a grinning emoji. He’d told me hated those movies the other night.

“No, I hate those,” he replied, with his own grin emoji.

“Me too,” I answered and thought about it before sending a couple of suggestions from movies I’d been wanting to see.

We’d settled on a selection of movies and what to eat by the time I got back home from work hours later. The headlights, my constant companion every night I came home from work, kept on going thank goodness. Cameron was in my driveway with a bag full of food from a local restaurant we both liked.