“She did not like that shit one bit,” I said into the phone, taking up my nightly position on a hill just behind Val’s house. It was a good spot for me to keep watch over her.

She was at work right now, after I’d dropped her off after our date, and I was reporting in to Derek.

“Is that why she looks so pissed?” Derek chuckled on his end. I knew he was at the club, watching our girl dance on stage. I wanted to be there, but something was up with her, there was a tenseness to her face that had nothing to do with desire or excitement. It was anxiety over something she hadn’t told us. I was watching her house early, just to see if anyone came near her place.

“Yeah,” I mumbled, taking out a beer from the six pack I’d bought at the convenience store not far from her house. “Once I told her there’d be no sex, she was pissed. Although, that didn’t stop her from trying to get me to change my mind. You two are in for it next.”

I’d give anything to have her all to myself, to fuck her as rough and hard as I wanted to, but that wasn’t going to happen. First, I didn’t want to scare her away by being too rough. I was also eaten up with guilt, and that held me back. I was in this constant conflict because I wanted to fuck her raw and deep, but I also knew I was the reason she was in trouble. I wanted her fiercely, but I’d promised I’d wait. I couldn’t break that promise that her safety came first.

Our entire future with Val, as a team, would be based on that promise to keep her safe. If I couldn’t play as a team member now, I wouldn’t later, and they’d all know it. And if in the future, more bloomed between us all, we had to be able to keep our promise to each other. Whether she liked it or not.

“She is hard to resist, but I like denying her an orgasm. It keeps her on her toes and wanting more. And later, when she does get to come, her head will blow off,” Derek said quietly, knowing everyone at the club would be trying to hear his conversation. They always did, even if they were his clients and employees. He was always careful, though. You never knew who could be spying.

“It was fun watching her squirm.” I smiled at the memory. “I wasn’t sure why you wanted us to make her wait, but I can see why now. She’s going to be clawing our clothes off by the time we get to that final date with all of us.”

“She will, Diesel. We just have to be sure to make it worth the efforts for her. And a little more waiting won’t hurt us,” Derek answered.

“I trust you, boss. We’ll make it everything she wants it to be, now and in the future,” I said, meaning it. She was my stepsister, my younger stepsister, but that didn’t matter anymore. I’d kissed her, tasted her pussy on my lips, and I wanted all she had to give me. I’d get time alone with her eventually, but that first time, we’d all agreed, had to be all of us together.

“You at her place?” Derek asked, and I sighed.

“Yeah, something’s up. She doesn’t miss work like she did last night and there was this anxiousness to her tonight that bothered me,” I told him, filling him in on my concerns.

“What do you mean?” he shot back immediately, and I could almost see him shooting up in his chair, his face changing to concern.

“I don’t know how to explain it. Something was wrong. The fact that she knows there’s danger could be the problem, but I’m not buying it. Why didn’t she go into work the other day?” I asked, thinking out loud more than anything.

“Yeah, that had me worried too, but Cam said everything was fine when he went over.” The older man breathed a sigh, letting me know he was thinking about the situation.

“I know he did, but I just get the impression something wasn’t right with her.” I thrust my hand into my hair, tugging at the strands a little as I did so. It was a habit I’d always had, tugging at my hair when I was thinking.

“We’ll keep an eye on her then. I’m watching her here, and she’s fine. Even if she is staring daggers at me. Did you tell her this was my idea?” Derek laughed quietly as he asked, and I knew he wasn’t mad.

“I did. You were the one that made that a rule, so you have to live with the consequences, pal. I didn’t want her thinking I’d made up such a dickish rule.” I laughed, enjoying the way he grunted with amused acknowledgement.

“You’re right. It is my fault. I’m telling her you suggested it first, though, if she comes at me with a knife later,” he answered back.

“Man, that’s wrong. You know that was all you.” I sat down on the ground, not caring about grass stains or dirt on my pants.

“Sometimes you have to take one for the team, Diesel. This is one of those times,” Derek said, but I knew he wouldn’t do that to me. He took responsibility for his actions, always.

“Fine, lay it on me. See if she believes you,” I told him and tipped the beer back.

“I’ll go have a word with her now. I’ll talk to you later,” Derek said and hung up before I could answer.

I could just imagine that conversation. Val had never been a timid girl, even if she kept out of the way and rarely argued. When something mattered to her, she’d stand up for herself, or her cause, so I knew Derek was getting an earful now.

The thought made me smile as I watched her dark house. She’d left the porch light on at the front of the house, but the backyard was dark. I put on the night vision goggles I’d got from the clubhouse storeroom and watched.

Guilt, a constant companion now, was part of the reason I kept backing off of going further with Val. Not over the fact that she was my stepsister, but because I’d caused the mess we were currently in. I’d done a lot of stupid shit in my time, but this was the height of stupidity. I’d played poker with a man I shouldn’t have and now he was calling me demanding his night with my step-sister. He was insisting on it much more strenuously than he had, implying he’d tell Derek about that night if I didn’t make the arrangements. When I’d told him to fuck off, he’d made a threat that had turned my blood cold.

“If you don’t do it the nice way, Whitlow, I’ll just take her and dump her on the side of the road when I’m done with her.”

Fuck! That was not going to happen, not on my watch.