“I know. I’m trying to save up enough money to rent an apartment somewhere not here. I haven’t decided on where ‘not here’ is yet, so I’m trying to save up a good stack of money. When I’ve got enough, I’ll make a decision.”

“Are you headed for Chicago, maybe?” he offered, his face curious still without judgement. I liked the lack of judgement. I’d kind of expected a lecture about ‘getting your education’.

“I think so, but I’m not sure. I’m kind of sick of snow.” I was tired of talking about me so I changed the subject. “So, what made you quit teaching and go to work for Derek?”

“Have you ever met a teenager?” he asked, those magnificent eyes tortured for a second. “I had to get out before my hair turned gray and fell out. Mason Johnson was taking bets on which teacher he’d fuck before senior year was over. Freddie Meyers was dealing coke in the boy’s bathroom and Jenna Sorenson was doing the same in the girls. Lacie Peters was carted off three time for threatening to shoot the school up. I had to get out of that mess.”

“So, nothing has changed, really?” I teased, trying to lighten the mood. Cameron shook his head, his black hair catching the light, and I took pity on him. “Okay. I promise not to deal drugs or try to bang you to win a bet if you’ll agree to stay and have pizza with me and watch one movie.”

“It’s not The Sound of Music, is it? I swear to God, if I have to watch that movie once more in my life, I’ll go mad.” Cameron grinned and relaxed, finally. I liked that.

“Fuck no. I have Netflix for a reason. I like historical movies and thrillers. What do you like?” I got up and got the remote from the TV stand and turned it on.

“I’m good with thrillers or comedies. Have you seen Tucker and Dale VS Evil? That, believe it or not, is hilarious.”

“I haven’t. We’ll watch that then. And what do you want on your pizza?” I picked up my phone to use the app to make our order.

“Um, pepperoni, jalapeno peppers, and bacon bits,” he said uncertainly and I looked at him. He was so shy and cute, such a change from Derek and Diesel. I liked it.

“That sounds odd, but good. I’ll break out the Pepto Bismol for the impending indigestion and place the order.” I went into the kitchen, taking glasses down from a cabinet. “What do you want to drink? I have sweet tea and orange soda.”

“Tea, please,” he called back from the entrance to the kitchen.

“Oh, hi,” I said with a smile. “You didn’t have to come get it.”

“It’s alright, I just wanted to be near you again.” He came up to me then, the shyness gone suddenly. In place of it was assured confidence and an intent look.

He backed me up against the fridge, his hands on my hips. “I’m only going to do this once, I swear.”

“Okay?” I asked questioningly, but instead of answering he moved.

“I’ve needed to do this for so long,” Cameron whispered as his lips came down to mine, brushing softly before pressing more firmly, with more of a demand to be let in. I gasped into his mouth, my arms going around his neck as delight coursed through me. I opened for him, letting him kiss me until the world began to blur around the edges.

“That’s enough of that,” I heard him say and blinked rapidly in surprise.

“Um, okay,” I whispered, aroused, confused, and amused all at the same time. I know he was trying to be gentlemanly and respectful, but that kiss had knocked my socks off.

We went back to the living room and for the next two hours we sat on the couch eating pizza, watching the film, and holding hands. I was kind of impressed that he wanted to take things slow, that he was being so in control. It would be so much fun when that control finally snapped, though, I thought with a secret smile.

“You liked the film?” he asked as I cleaned up the trash from our meal and came back to sit down. He’d wiped up crumbs and was a neat eater, I’d noticed. He hadn’t put his feet up on my couch either, even when he took his shoes off to reveal pristine white socks.

I took his empty right hand in mine and held it, looking at our interlaced fingers with interest. “I did like it. It wasn’t the mockery I thought it was going to be and it was funny.”

“I’m glad you liked it, it’s one of my favorites. I used to watch movies like that to relieve the pressure of going to school. Then, when my work became school, I watched them to relieve the crap I’d see every day in class. Do you know Timmy Edwards used to use his phone to film up Ms. Ronald’s skirt?”

“Well, she did wear some unusually short skirts, you got to admit,” I replied, thinking about the woman’s daily outfits that were more in keeping with my own line of work, rather than that of a teacher.

“Still, he shouldn’t have been doing that. I don’t know, I had a hard time not decking some of those kids. Add in the danger and well, I decided I might as well work for Derek if I was going to put my life on the line for a job.” He shrugged, and I nodded.

“It’s hard to stay at a job when you don’t feel appreciated. Derek’s good at that. He makes everyone feel, and I know this is going to sound corny, but it’s true. We all feel valued with Derek. We aren’t packages of meat.”

“No, we’re not. And I like that about him.” Cameron seemed to notice at that moment that our hands were linked again, and he looked down at them with a hum that I took to be delight.

He tugged a little at my hand and I looked back up at him. “Hmm?”

“I can’t believe I’m on your couch holding your hand when I used to have to block you from my brain,” he said with a smile. He leaned a little more towards me, but I behaved myself and stayed in place.

“Mr. Thomas. Are you saying you used to have dirty thoughts about me?” I couldn’t entirely behave myself, it seemed.

“I tried my best not, but damn, Val, you’ve always been fucking incredible,” he said on an exhale, the sound of it made my nipples tight and my breath catch in my throat.

“I kind of like that you did,” I admitted, looking up at him shyly. I wanted him to kiss me so much it was painful.

I guess he saw that need in my eyes, the way I was buzzing just because his hand was in mine, how much I needed him to do more, because Cameron leaned over and kissed me. It wasn’t the shy, unassuming kiss I thought he’d give me, though. It was full-throttle passionate with him nipping at my bottom lip as he held my face to his for more. It was tongues entwined, smashed noses inhaling gasps of air as we devoured each other for what felt like hours.

But he stopped me and pulled away. I tried to pull him back for more, my body on fire for him, but he gently held me away from him.

“We can’t do this, I can’t do this, Val. I promised,” Cameron said, getting up from the couch. “I love the way you taste, and I want so much more of you, but I don’t want Derek or Diesel to kill me, so I’ll leave you now, before this goes any further.”

“But, Mr. Thomas, I have so much I want to tell you.” I pouted, finding that flirty part of me again that came to life when I was on the stage. “I have so many naughty things I want you to know.”

“Fuck, Val,” he protested, moving further away from me. “You’re going to get me killed

“Are you serious?” I asked, wanting to whine, but I didn’t whine for anyone.

“It’s not my turn. When it’s my turn, you can tell me every filthy thing you ever thought or did. Until then, I have to go.” He stumbled a little, his face a mask of pain.

“Cameron,” I called, hoping I could draw him back.

But he left the house. Diesel had done the same thing.

What the fuck were they up to?