Istared into the blackness that was the ceiling of my bedroom and smiled. I’d left them all sitting there, not speaking, stunned into absolute silence. I was giddy with delight, unable to close my eyes without remembering every single moment that I’d been at that table with them.

Okay, yeah, I’d been a little pissed off when I first went up to the table, they’d been discussing me like I was a piece of meat, or a slave kidnapped by Vikings that they were trying to split up between them. Only, I wasn’t some slave girl, and I wasn’t a piece of meat. I was a human being, a woman with thoughts and feelings, didn’t I get a say in what they’d decided?

Now, though, reality was setting in. I’m not a virgin, but I’m not very experienced either. Had I pushed my luck by flirting with them? How would this work? Would I have nights with each man, or would there be times when we were all together at once like one big happy fake relationship? I had questions, but they needed to decide whether they could actually do this or not, and so did I. If they came to the conclusion that they wanted to do this, then we’d discuss it more, I decided, there wasn’t much point in going beyond remembering and playing through my fantasies at the moment.

I rolled over, picking up my phone, wanting one or all of them to let me know what was going on. I’m not sure they’d text me or call me, but I checked my phone every ten minutes, in case I missed a notification. I rolled back to stare up at the ceiling, my right hand starting to wander a little as I remember the way Diesel sucked on my finger, then a growling groan that had come out of Derek when I straddled him, and then went back to the way Cameron’s eyes had gone wide as I spoke to him.

Fuck, what was wrong with me?

A sudden knock at the front door startled me, and I jumped with a muffled scream.

“Val, it’s me!” Diesel shouted, though his voice was dampened by walls and the front door.

I got out of the bed and raced to the door, ready to fling it open, but I could hear Diesel speaking on the other side. Who was with him? I pressed my ear to the door when I heard the sound of anger in his voice.

“Just fucking do it,” Diesel said to whoever it was. I didn’t hear a voice respond, but Diesel answered a question. He must be on the phone. “Fine, I’ll give you my bike, $50,000, and some property I own in exchange.”

What the hell was Diesel trying to buy? I pressed harder, hoping I could hear whoever he was talking to respond.

“Fuck, come on! Are you kidding me? You still won’t give this up, even for all of that? My bike is a custom classic, asshole. You’d be stupid to turn that down.” Diesel sighed heavily when his offer was obviously refused. “Well, fuck you then. You’re an idiot.”

I frowned, wondering who Diesel could be talking to, but jumped when his fist beat against the door again. “Val, come on. Open up!”

“Fuck, calm down, Diesel,” I barked as I flung open the door, staring at him with a mixture of anger and excitement. Why was he at my door?

“Can I come in?” he asked, looking me over with eyes that instantly became heated, the light chocolate color turning to something darker, hotter.

I only had on a black, cotton slip of a nightgown, nothing else. It covered barely any of me, and that was clear by the desire that flared in his eyes.

“What are you doing here, Diesel?” I didn’t move from the spot by the door, but he leaned against the door frame, an adorable smirk in place that simultaneously made me want to slap him and fuck him.

“Damn, why do you have to be like that, Val?” He frowned at me playfully, and I rolled my eyes.

“In case you’ve forgotten, you and Derek barely speak to me anymore. And what’s Mr. Thomas doing hanging out with Derek, anyway? Shouldn’t he be preparing a lesson plan or something?” I leaned back a little crossing my arms over my chest. That drew Diesel’s eyes, but he clamped down on the heat that sprang to life in their depths.

“He’s sick of kids and who can blame him? And I don’t speak to you because the only place I see you now is at the club. You always scram as soon as your set is over so it’s not like we have lots of time to chat now, is it?” He crossed his own arms over his chest, highlighting how broad that chest was and how muscular his forearms were.

“So, he’s working for Derek now, is that it?” I glared at him, hating how much I wanted him, but unable to stop myself from feasting on all of his very fine frame. Why did the guy have to be so damn hot?

“He is, yes. Val, listen, I just came to check on you. Make sure you weren’t freaked out or anything. Are you okay?” Diesel shifting gears on me left my head spinning and I looked at him, seeing the way his eyelids lowered slightly and his nostrils flared. I knew that look, knew it was desire.

“Yeah,” I answered absently, distracted by the hunger that reflected my own. For a second, I remembered something that I’d dismissed as some kind of drunken dream from my seventieth birthday. Me kissing Diesel, passionately, but that couldn’t have happened. He’d have said something if it had, wouldn’t he? I’d dismissed the memory as nothing more than wishful dreaming, but as I looked at his face, I wondered. Had I really kissed him, and he’d been gentleman enough to dismiss it as a drunken game?

Everything changed suddenly, his eyes went darker and he kicked the door shut, stalking in, pressing me forward with his hands on my waist until I was backed up against the living room wall. “What’s going on?”

But Diesel didn’t let me finish my question, he didn’t let me have time to think, before his lips were on mine, strangling anything else I might have said. His tongue swiped at my lips, and I opened to him, wanting him more than I ever had before. For the first time, I was really in his arms, really pressed up against him, really wrestling his tongue with my own.

I purred at the silky feel of his tongue against mine. I groaned when he sucked at my tongue, before closing his lips, only to open them again. I lost myself in that kiss, but not so much that I didn’t wind my arms around his neck, or press my chest into his. He broke away long enough to whisper my name on a groan.

“Val. Fuck, I’ve wanted to do that for so long,” he groaned, sucking kisses down my neck before he came back up to my mouth.

I wanted to say something, but there was no time. His lips were on mine again, and I was opening to him, letting him have all of me. I needed to feel more of him and moved my hands to his waist, to push up under his shirt, and moaned happily when I felt the silky softness of his skin. My hands went up over his powerful chest, delighted at the soft touch of hair there.

Diesel growled lightly when my fingers grazed his nipples, when they ran down his waist to skim at the waist of his jeans. I slid my hands around to push them beneath the fabric, cupping his ass to pull him to me. “I want more.”

I’d broken the kiss to plead with him to finally end my years of wondering, of need for him.

“I’ll give you all you can handle, Val,” Diesel promised and pulled me over to the couch. I splayed out on the bottom of the couch, opening my legs to cradle him. I held my hand up to him and he came to me, kissing me as his hips pressed into mine. I cried out into his mouth when his hard length pressed into my hot center, pressing against my eager clit, hungry for every touch it could get.

Diesel’s hands began to roam, and he pushed the top of my nightgown away from my left breast. His lips followed his hands, brushing kisses over my skin, his thumb teasing the stiff peak of my nipple, making my back arch into the couch, before the inferno of his mouth closed over the tip.

“Diesel,” I gasped his name, my fingers in his dark hair, holding him there as his hand moved lower, down to my bare pussy. “Touch me.”

I urged him on, but he didn’t need the urging. His fingers moved between my folds, finding my clit immediately. I’d wondered if I’d have to guide him to it, or pretend to enjoy him rubbing at my labia for five minutes before I pretended to get off, as I’d done with others in the past, but he’d surprised me. A man that actually knows a woman’s body was more than I could have hoped for, but there he was, circling it perfectly, sparking bright pulses of pleasure that shot up my spine with each twist.

“Fuck, you’re so ready for me,” Diesel said when he dipped another finger down to my entrance. I was soaking wet, totally ready for him to fuck me, but he just kept teasing at my clit and my nipple. “I need to taste all of you.”

He let me go, sitting up to get down on his knees in front of me. “Come here, Val.”