“Online, there’s a store here where you can buy them, but the place is always full of people, and I don’t have a lot of time for waiting in line. I’ll give you the web address,” she turned to dig around in a drawer for a pen and paper and wrote the information down for me. I noticed she’d also added the name of the store and the address where I could find the store.

“Thanks. That’s great.” I kept the paper in my hand, and looked around. “I guess I need to go and check the rooms, make sure the staff have cleaned everything properly.”

“Okay, I’ll see you later then. My set is coming up.” Tara waved and went to the door that would take her to the stage. “I’ll find you if you want me to?”

“No, it’s fine, I know Johnny will be here waiting on you. Enjoy your time with him.” I stood up and left the room once she’d given another wave and went through the other door.

I knew the rooms would be clean, there wasn’t a problem with that at all, I just wanted to avoid Damien. I checked through them quickly and found I had nothing else to do for the moment. The bartender had taken care of the beer order and the rest took care of itself. Except the accounts.

I decided to head back to my office, and managed to spend a half hour paying invoices and taking care of a few other things that needed my attention. When that was done, I ordered a glass of cranberry juice from the bar and some French fries from the kitchen. I wasn’t really hungry, but it would give me something to do.

The bar was full now, it had to be, Tara’s was on, and the clients turned up like clockwork for her shows now. Even if it was early. I knew she’d perform again later tonight, which would keep the place full.

I put my feet up on the desk, contemplating the paint on the walls, bored out of my mind. I should be out there mingling, but I was hiding from Damien and myself. I knew the last thing I needed in my life was that man. If I became involved with him, I’d end up getting raided by some drug taskforce team or another.

That’s what he’d done when I was a kid with big eyes that couldn’t look away from him, distributed drugs. I probably shouldn’t have slept with him back then, but I’d had the hots for him from the moment I was able to get the ‘hots’. I’d thought once would be enough to get him out of my system, then I’d got a taste of him and knew once wouldn’t be enough.

Which is something I needed to remember now. He’d turned my head in a matter of hours. Then he’d walked away and disappeared. If I gave him another chance to do that, I’d end up in the same mess as before. Only, I was older now. Maybe my heart and my head would leave me in peace now? I knew what it meant to get a fuck for a fuck’s sake, but would my head?