I breathed against the cover, my brain…quiet. There were no thoughts, just the twinge of my nipples that needed to be released of the clamps, and my hands that wanted to be freed. This was something I’d forgotten, how sex with Damien left my brain completely…quiet.

It was only later, after the egg and the clamps were removed, after a shower to wash away any lingering traces of our former play, that I thought about what he’d said. That he wanted all of me, forever. Did he really mean it this time? For a second, I’d thought it was true, that was the only reason I’d said the words. But did I believe it now? I don’t know.

I was brushing out my hair, a red curtain down my back, on the edge of the bed. He’d washed me until he was sure I was clean, before he’d washed himself. Now, we sat there, two people that had been as intimate as two people could be with what felt like an ocean between us.

“Are you alright, Ginger? Do you need something to drink or eat?” he asked, his hips wrapped in a towel, his hair already dry.

“No, I’m fine, I’ll get a bottle of water out of the kitchen in a minute.” I waved off his offer, still lost in my own thoughts. “Do you want something?”

“I’d like something to eat. Can they make food in the bar?”

“I have some stuff in here, if you want. There’s fruit bars and some stuff for sandwiches, I know.” I was still lost in my thoughts but coming out of it. “Or we can order out?”

“No, a fruit bar will do it. A bottle of water, you said?” He stood up and walked around the bed to look at me.

“Yes, please,” I nodded, but noticed his phone in his hand. “Trying to leave already?”

“No, just letting a friend know I won’t be home tonight. He gets worried if he doesn’t hear from me.”

“Ah, Fred?” I asked, remembering the older man that lived behind Damien’s house. I’d heard the guy was like a father to Damien, but I’d never met him.

“Yeah, you remember him?” Damien’s smile was pleased, though I couldn’t think of why.

“I never actually met him, but yeah, I heard about him. I’m glad you have someone that worries about you.” I meant it, even if it was sappy. And sappy bullshit wasn’t something I often allowed myself. My girls could have all the sappy, romantic bullshit they wanted, but I was a realist. And the reality was that I wasn’t made for love.

Men and women wanted to fuck me, they wanted to own me, like I was a doll to add to their collection. But loving me? I hadn’t given most the opportunity for that nonsense. I’d learned my lesson from the man that was now bringing a bottle of water out of the kitchen.

My quarters here were practically an apartment on their own. I had two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. Not all of the rooms were as lush as my rooms were, either. But it wasn’t the rooms that had my attention, it was Damien, eating one of my fruit bars, two bottles of water in his other hand, that had my attention.

He looked too damn sexy for his own good, wrapped in that charcoal gray towel. “You know, you tied me up earlier before I could do everything I wanted to do.”

I took the top of the water bottle off a slugged back a gulp of it as he looked at me in confusion.

“What?” He asked, putting the empty fruit bar wrapper down on the dresser before he looked back at me. “What did I miss?”

“Come here,” I crooked my finger at him, spreading my thighs on the edge of the bed to give him room. “Right here.”

“Oh, back to that are we?”

“It’s what we do best together,” I teased, pulling at the place where he’d tucked the towel in. “Now, let me see, where was I when you interrupted me earlier.”

“I think you were sucking my dick, if I remember correctly,” he grinned, a dirty grin full of the promises of delights to be discovered. If I was brave enough.

I was stupidly brave, on some occasions. Now was one of those occasions.

The towel dropped to the floor and Damien was completely naked, already hard. Good man.

I reached for him, tugged him closer, before I leaned over the rest of the way. Hm, on my knees might be better, I decided and slid to the floor.

“Fuck me,” Damien gasped as I swallowed every inch of him that I could get into the back of my throat. My tongue swirled around the base of him, tickling at the underside of his dick as I pulled away. “I didn’t know you could do that.”

“Mm,” I murmured, more to tease him with the hum than anything. His fingers found their way into my hair, and I was ready for it. This was one way to keep the conversation of forever, and always, and other words like future.

“You’re going to kill me, woman,” he purred out, but I wasn’t paying attention. I was too busy blowing his mind.