The owner of the pub was one of our runners, bringing product into the city with his vans every day, but he ran a legitimate business here. I knew I was pushing my luck doing this much, but as long as I kept most of it quiet, I would be alright. Well, as long as Tara kept it quiet, I thought with a silent chuckle.

She was getting close, I could hear it in the way she gasped and took deep breaths quickly.

“Next time I have you in my hands, I’m going to fuck you, Tara, I’m going to do everything I want to do to you. And there may even be an audience, honey. I might let someone watch. But right now, I just want you to watch that man. He’s trying his best to control himself, to not come over here and bend you over this table, or push you down in the booth and fuck you. But I wouldn’t let him do that anyway, Tara. He can wish all he wants, but you,” I paused, making her wait for it, until I heard her breath catch in her throat and felt the first quake of her body. “Are mine.”

A very low squeak was the only sound that came from her, despite how she shook against my arm. She bit down on my shoulder, as she shook again, and I wanted more of that. A whole lot more.

The man across from us gasped, his hands gripped on the table, but he did not move. That was good because I would have broken his neck if he even made a twitch that indicated he would be getting up to come near us.

Tara sank back against the booth, her cheeks flushed, and her eyes closed. She was beautiful, one of the most sultry things I’d ever seen, and apparently very happy, if her grin was anything to go by. I flipped her skirt down, patting it in place just as Tommy brought our bill around with a nod at the other man.

“Thanks, Tommy, keep the change. Oh, and tell that man across from us, his meal is on me.” I dropped a one-hundred-dollar bill on top of the salver Tommy put down and stood up with a smile. “Shall we, my dear?”

“What? Oh, yes. Thank you, it was lovely.” Tara smiled vaguely over at the Tommy and stood up, smoothing her skirt down. She didn’t look over at the stranger across from us, she had eyes only for me. That was good.