

This wasn’t going to be the awkward fumbling of a man barely cognizant of the fact that it was a woman beneath, I knew that from the way he studied me, as if memorizing my body and face so he could paint a portrait of me later. This man knew things, things I’d only read about in stories that left me wanting more, until I touched myself and relieved the ache that burned inside of me. His eyes promised me things I couldn’t even imagine, and I wanted them.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t be sitting here, staring at him like a mouse trapped between a cat’s paws. I wanted to know what it felt like to be fucked properly, to have my entire body alive from a man’s touch and that was exactly what he was offering me. So, what was stopping me?

Oh, just the fact that I know fuck all about fucking. Yeah, I’ve read about sex, I know what I’m supposed to do, I’ve read about how to pleasure a man and what to expect in return, but that’s not practice is it? Knowing and doing are two different things. My little interlude with Wayne had been about two minutes of fumbling with our clothes on and barely thirty seconds of fucking. I don’t even think he moved inside of me more than once. Was that really sex?

Taking a deep breath, I picked up the rose and nodded, at last. I heard his quiet sigh of relief and felt something stir to life inside of me, awareness, arousal, and…power? He wanted me, that was obvious, or he wouldn’t have offered $5,000 to fuck me for a few hours.

I sat there quietly, noting the air of danger around him, not from anything he did, but from the tension that came from him. His brown eyes constantly moved, as if looking for a threat, and he held his body at attention, even though he seemed focused on me entirely. His face was pointed at mine, his shoulders and body faced me, but there was still awareness to him, a sensitivity to threats that meant he must not be the typical businessman or banker that I could have mistaken him for.

Drug dealer? Maybe, I decided, but didn’t care. I just wanted to sleep with him and get on with the rest of my boring life. I’d put the five grand away for a rainy day, but I’d keep the memories of him with me for a lifetime. That’s what I really wanted, the experience and the memories that came later.

“I see you’ve come to an agreement,” Ginger said as she came up to the table again, a credit card machine in her right hand and a paper bill in the left. “Swipe please.”

The man, Mason she’d told me his name was, retrieved a card from his wallet and handed it over to Ginger. The woman looked at me, gave me a quick wink, and spoke again. “You’ll get your money in cash before you leave.”

“Oh. Thanks.” I didn’t want to think about the money, really, or what it meant I was doing. I wasn’t going to turn down that much cash, but I also didn’t want to think about it. Or the bag full of it back in the dressing room locker. How much money was I going home with tonight, anyway?

“I want the red room, Ginger.” Mason spoke up, gesturing to the waiter to come over. “I’ll have a scotch while I wait, please.”

“Come with me,” Ginger said to me, and I stood up to follow, wondering if the red room meant what I thought it meant.

She led me back to the hallway we’d exited earlier, but instead of turning in the first door, she took me further down the hall. There were six rooms on each side of the hall, well, six doors on each side, for a total of twelve rooms. Were they all occupied, I wondered, but didn’t dwell on it because Ginger opened the last door, a door between the others, at the very end of the hall.

“Shower, change into one of the black silk robes, and wait for him. There are several buttons spread around the room, one by the bed there on the wall, one by the door here, and the other one is here.” Ginger walked to a dresser with eight drawers, four on each side, and I moved over to see a button on the left side of the dresser. “These are to call if you need help. Mason is a good guy, a friend even, but just in case, use the button if you need help. Security will come to take care of the situation.”

“Okay,” I said as I took a deep breath and stared at her. “I don’t know what to ask, what to say…,”

“It’s fine, Lacy. Just do what comes naturally.” She paused, dug a phone out of some hidden pocket at her back, and then looked up at me. “He wants you to clean your face and wash your hair too.”

“Sure,” I answered, a little sad to take the makeup away, but that meant he liked me without it. That wasn’t a bad thing. “I can do that.”

“Good. All I can tell you from now is make sure he wears a condom when he fucks you, clean yourself up after, and have fun.” She stopped and looked at me, as if measuring my ability to do this. “Have lots of fun, Lacy. I think that’s what you’re really after, isn’t it?”

“It is, yeah,” I said bluntly, and then felt stupid. What a thing to admit.

“He’ll be good to you.” She promised and went to the door. With a final wave she left me, and I finally took a proper look around the room.

It was a large room, big enough for four king sized beds if they’d wanted to put more than one in here, with a bathroom to the opposite side of the red wall. A bed with red and black covers stood against the wall to the right, the headboard against the wall. Black and red nightstands stood to each side of that. Two hooks on the wall caught my attention and my imagination went wild.

With a smile of glee, I turned to look at the other half of the room. There was the black nightstand with the call button on it, with a mirror on the top. In front of that was a massage table done in red leather, a simple wood chair painted red and black, but none of that caught my attention. It was the hooks on the other red walls that I walked over to look at. An assortment of whips, straps, and other items hung from the hooks. I looked over to see four black squares next to these walls. O-rings were screwed into those squares by pegs that went into the wall.

As I’d suspected, this was a bondage room. Oh, boy.

I wasn’t afraid, I decided as I let the robe fall away on the bathroom floor and stepped into the white-tiled shower. I was actually very excited. And from the way my body responded to my own touch as I brushed a washcloth over my body, I was also very aroused.

I heard a click in the outer room as I toweled myself off and froze. Was that him?

“It’s only me, Lacy,” I heard him say and sighed with relief.

I walked out, the towel wrapped around my body for a little bit of modesty, despite what I was about to do, and saw him opening a small fridge I hadn’t noticed before. “Want a drink?”

“I’ll have a water too, please,” I answered, not wanting alcohol to dull my senses.

“How old are you, Lacy?” he asked as he brought me the bottle and stood in front of me.