“I was thinking maybe Layla and I could road trip to New Orleans to pick up your dad? Then you and I can take him back while you’re on leave and stay with him for a couple of days.”

Beau’s brows inched further up his forehead until they nearly reached his hairline. “You’d do that?”

“Of course. He’s doing much better these days, so I’m sure he can handle the trip, right? And maybe we can even get him to come out with us and do some stuff while we’re in New Orleans after.”

As soon as Beau and I made our relationship official, I’d been talking with Louis more. I didn’t know what it was about him that made me feel like I’d known him for years instead of months, but he felt like family. He felt like a missing piece I hadn’t known I was missing.

And on more than one occasion, he’d told me he’d felt similarly for me as Beau’s girlfriend, and he’d thanked me for finally coming along to bust down his son’s seemingly impenetrable walls. Little did he know, Beau’d had to do some busting of his own. But we were here, and that was all that mattered.

Beau cleared his throat, then winced like it’d hurt. “That would be great. Thank you.”

“It’s my pleasure, really. I love your dad.”

“He loves you, too,” he replied, so much emotion swimming in his eyes that I had to work to keep a handle on mine. Then he chuckled and shook his head. “Every time I talk to the old man he reminds me not to mess this up.”

“Well, if he thinks you could, he doesn’t know you very well.”

“Is that so?” he asked, poking my side.

I fought him off with a laugh. “You said it yourself. You know exactly what to do or say with me, right?”

“I do. But I don’t have to keep telling you it’s not an act, right?”

He’d held up a finger between us in that playfully domineering way, and I grabbed it out of the air. “No, you don’t.”

“Good. All right, I should probably go so I can study up for tomorrow.”

We stood and he helped me gather up our picnic supplies, then carried it all while holding me tight against his side as we walked to the car. I leaned my head on his shoulder and squeezed his middle. “You’ll do great. Want me to talk to your dad about the graduation and let you know what he says?”

“Yeah, thanks. If anyone can convince him to travel, it’d be you.”

Louis was like me in that he wasn’t a fan of leaving his creature comforts, but I had a feeling Beau was right.

He placed our picnic stuff on the back seat, then helped me into the car, stooping low to kiss me before he went to his side and got in.

I grabbed the front of his cammies and held him close. “Hey. I love you, Beau Devereux.”

“And I love you.”