“Shame. You’d be a great catch.”

Taking the chance to make a joke, I pointed at her. “Hey, now, don’t let Thatcher hear you talking to me like that. Wouldn’t want him to worry I’ll steal you away.”

The older woman rewarded me with a blush and waved a hand. “Oh, you.”

Nodding at my cart, I gave her an apologetic smile. “I should probably get the rest of my shopping done before Paul wonders if I got abducted by aliens. I’ll see you around.”

“It was nice talking to you, dear,” Ms. Hattie said with a cheerful smile. “And give my best to Paul. I’m so happy he and Shelby finally found their happily ever after.”

“Sure thing,” I replied as I steered my cart away.

I was happy for Paul, too. I really was. And I wasn’t at all jealous. The thing was, Paul wasn’t like me. He’d always been destined for a happy marriage with the perfect girl. They’d have the perfect house and the perfect life that he’d had growing up, and that was just the way it ought to be.

But for me? Well, that stuff simply wasn’t in the cards. I came from darkness, and there was no way I’d make the kind of husband and father that Paul someday would. It wasn’t in my DNA. Especially if she could be described asspecial. If she were special, she’d deserve way better than the likes of me.