“Or hear it,” I added, thinking that since I jumped in anticipation every time I heard a motorcycle now that the love of my life owned one, that made sense. I definitely would have at the very least looked out the window when I’d heard that telltale rumble of the engine. I beamed up at him, a zing running up my arm when he took my hand and led me into the cottage.

The fragrant perfume from the roses filled me, and I inhaled deeply. They were everywhere, covering every surface. There must be dozens and dozens of them, so pretty and pink in their glass vases. There were even petals strewn all over the floor. He had seriously outdone himself.

“I figured since I messed up with the rose last time, I’d go big this time,” he said, winking at me.

“Uh, yeah. Big is an understatement.”

“Yeah, well, I told you I’m bad at giving flowers. Maybe I went overboard a little. When I told Ms. Hattie what I wanted to do, she had to special order them by the truckload. I’m not kidding. It was a whole truck. I saw it.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “And yet, I didn’t notice any strange trucks pulling into my venue today.”

“Ah, but you left to meet Shelby for lunch, remember?”

I gasped, swatting him on the chest. “She was in on this?”

“Of course.”

My heart kicked up a notch, wondering if I’d be getting ahead of myself if I let my thoughts wander toward a proposal. Maybe this was just a sweeping declaration of his love for me. It was so soon. Surely, he wouldn’t propose yet when he’d spent his whole adult life thinking he never wanted to get married.

But then all of that was washed away as he cleared his throat and got down on one knee before me. Our eyes locked in a misty trance, and his palm was sweaty as he continued to hold my hand. He reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a small box in a very specific shade of light blue, opening it with a flick of deft fingers. Inside, the Tiffany & Co. logo gleamed in shiny silver above a simple, princess-cut, diamond engagement ring. It was a classic piece from the iconic company, and it had been around forever.

My free hand flew up to my mouth. “Oh, Will.”

It was the same ring I’d once pointed out to him in a magazine when we were teens. I couldn’t believe he’d remembered. It had been another random day at the dock, and I’d been sunbathing with a fashion magazine when I’d drooled over that ring and showed him and Paul because they were the only ones there. They’d rolled their eyes at me and didn’t give it much attention. Or so I’d thought.

“Aria Bristol, I’ve loved you for as long as I can remember, but I didn’t know it until it hit me in the face that day when you were talking to Jason Momoa.”

I laughed, only ripping my eyes away from his so I could wipe at the happy tears that had started to collect there. “Poor Trevor.”

Will scoffed. “Oh, yeah, I feel really bad for him.”

“Keep going,” I urged with a wave of my hand.

“Anyway, I’ve loved you forever. I’m sorry it took me so long to figure it out. And I’m sorry I actively tried not to. I was so wrapped up in what I thought you deserved that I didn’t see you deserved better than that.”

I swallowed past the lump in my throat. Dang it. I swore I’d never cry over Will Paxton again. Did this count? Surely not.

“In the end, I’m so glad you called me out on my bull and instigated our second, even-more-amazing kiss. So I’m here before you, on my knee, asking to not just be your first kiss but also your last. Will you marry me?”

More tears fell onto my cheeks as I nodded, a wide smile on my face. “Yes. A million times, yes.”

He got up with more grace than I’d be able to manage at a time like this and took out the ring, slipping it on my left hand with a wide grin. I gazed down at it for a second, barely being able to see it through my tears. Then I launched myself against him, hugging him tight enough to break a rib. I was good at that.

He returned my hug—albeit with a little less force—then dipped his head to kiss me. There was nothing I wanted more in the world than to spend my life with this funny, handsome, complicated man. He’d been my first kiss and the only man I’d ever wished for a future with. I loved the idea of him being my first and last kiss, and I couldn’t wait to experience every kiss that would come in between.