Once all the usual wedding activities were over, the dance floor opened up, and the lively crowd itched to get out there and show off their moves. Will offered me his hand right away, and we took off to join our friends and family, not stopping until I was sure I’d pass out.

I fanned my face as a fast song changed to a slow one. “Wanna take a break?”

“Sure,” he replied, linking my arm in his and leading me away from the dance floor.

We went to the bar and he asked for two waters, reading my mind. Or my flushed face, whichever. I took the clear plastic cup from him with a nod. “Thank you, sir.”

“You’re most welcome,” he replied with a silly bow. He led me to the side of the big white tent, and we watched the party, hydrating before we rejoined the festivities. “So, how’s being the wedding planner and maid of honor working out?”

“Pretty cool, actually. I think being in the midst of things is helping to keep the calamities at bay. It’s like people know I’m always there and will snap them like a twig if they ruin my brother’s night.”

He threw his head back and laughed. “I bet you would, too.”

“I totally would.” My gaze found Lyndi then, sitting at the table, chatting with Beau. I nudged Will. “Look.”


“Lyndi and Beau.”

He pursed his lips. “Isn’t he supposed to be on a date with Layla?”

“He is.”

“Then why is he talking to Lyndi?”

I shrugged, smiling at them. “I don’t know, but hopefully Lyndi will make a move.”

“She’s into Beau?”


Will hummed. “I don’t know, he seems to be pretty serious about this whole wedding thing being strictly business.”

“Right, but he’s still a dude when he’s off duty, right?”

“He’s not off duty, though.”

I rolled my eyes in exasperation. “Yeah, butshe’snot his date. So he’s not on duty with her.”

He considered this for a second, then shrugged. “If you say so. I’m just saying, the guy seems a little closed off to romance. Obviously it’s the name of the game in his business, but I got the impression that’s all it is. Business. He doesn’t seem like he has real feelings under all that Mr. Fake Date stuff.”

I turned to him, narrowing my eyes. “Will Paxton, there was a time when people thought you were closed off to romance. Now look at you.”

“Ah, no. Correction: I’m all about romance. It was just wildly misplaced before.”

A laugh burst out of me, and I acted like I was going to throw my water on him. He held up a finger in warning, and since I’d recently thrown him in a lake, I decided not to test him. Revenge attacks were big in our world, and my makeup had been professionally airbrushed onto my face for this wedding. I had no intention of getting into a water fight with this ridiculous man. I just knew I’d wind up looking like a drowned raccoon.

I held up my hands. “I surrender.”

“Good choice,” he replied, kissing my shoulder lightly. “You ready to get back out there?”

I started to say yes, but then I saw Layla coming out of the bathroom with Ms. Hattie on her heels. She looked upset. Frowning up at Will, I shook my head and handed him my water cup. “Hang on, I’ll be right back.”

Rushing to Layla without waiting for a reply, I grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. “You okay?”