She pursed her lips. “Months?”


“And you didn’t think to call?”

I lifted my chin, meeting her gaze head-on. “Nope.”

“Oh.” The wordwhooshedout of her, and she stared at me, seemingly stunned by my cool appraisal.

Something deep and ragged tore inside of me. Was she seriously surprised? Had she really thought I’d come back and look her up like she hadn’t been the cause of years of abuse at my father’s hands? She may not have been the one launching the blows, but it was her fault no one knew. It was her fault I’d had to endure it. It was her fault I’d wasted so many years of my life denying myself happiness because I didn’t feel like I deserved it.

I clenched my mouth tighter, fighting against the words I couldn’t find earlier. If I wanted to, I could unleash all of that on her. I could tell her how her silence rivaled his violence. But what good would it do? What did I need to hear from her in response? An apology? No. We were beyond that. The woman standing before me meant less than nothing to me, whether she’d birthed me or not. She was a stranger. My real family had been next door all along, and with Ms. Hattie’s pep talk ringing in my ears, I knew it was time for me to leave.

“Well, I’d say it was good to see you, but I’d be lying,” I said in a clipped tone. “Have a nice day.”

She didn’t spare me a reply before she ducked her head and walked past me down the street. The ache in my chest was palpable as I stood in place and let her leave. I needed Aria. I needed to get on my bike and feel the wind rushing around me, blowing all of the darkness away. I couldn’t wait until eight. I needed to talk to Aria,now.