She grinned. “What if you went to the guys he worked with and had them do it right in the middle of work? Like, not a team of professional dancers, but his fellow Marines.”

Aria, Layla, and I blinked at her, our mouths wide. I put my hand on my forehead as I pictured it. “Oh, man. That would be so great. Do you think they’d go for it?”

“Haven’t you ever seen those videos on YouTube of the Marines on deployment dancing to funny songs like “Call Me Maybe” and stuff?” Lyndi asked, looking around. I nodded, but Aria and Layla shook their heads. Lyndi pulled out her phone. “Oh, you’re in for a treat.”

We all huddled around Layla’s phone as she navigated to the YouTube app and searched for the video. There wasn’t just one, there were several. Turned out, bored men on deployment would do anything for a good time. We watched a few of them, laughing at the goofy smiles on their faces while they did their moves. The choreography was mediocre at best, but hey, I gave them props for trying.

Stepping back over to my place on the couch, I flopped down with a smile. “Okay. I think I’m gonna do it. The only question is, how do I pull this off?”

“We should get Will involved,” Layla suggested. “Maybe he can make sure it’s okay with Paul’s command? They’d definitely need to know what was going on if you were going to be taking over their shop with this whole thing.”

“Good point,” I said. “And then maybe he can help with distracting Paul while we rehearse.”

“Eek, this is going to be amazing,” Lyndi said, clapping her hands and bouncing in her seat.

“What are you going to do about a ring?” Layla asked. “And will you get down on one knee?”

“I should probably get a ring, yeah.” I laughed, covering my face. “Agh, I’m nervous already.”

Aria reached over and took my hand. “Don’t be. This is going to be great. Let’s go ring shopping tomorrow, and we’ll talk to Will when they get back.”

I looked around at my friends, unable to keep the smile off my face. “Thank you, guys.”

“Of course,” Aria said, reaching forward and grabbing the remote, pointing it at the TV. “Now, let’s watch those clips Paige sent home with you. We’re dying to see our girl in action.”