“I don’t know if you know this, since you guys only just recently started dating, but the Marine Corps is a very small world, and we love to take care of each other. Once I found out that the woman who choreographed the flash mob that inspired this scene was a Marine girlfriend, I’m sorry, I just had to reach out. Do you want to come to LA and choreograph this scene for me?”

“Do I…?” I trailed off, looking at my friends on the couch, my mouth hanging open. “Um, wait. Really?”

“Yes. I know this seems crazy, but I’m also kind of known for crazy stuff like this. Wait till I tell you about Friendsgiving. I can have my plane come get you, we’ll put you up in a hotel near the set, take care of everything, and of course your fee will be sizable, considering the scope of the project.”

My first instinct was to say yes without asking any other questions, but me being me, I needed more info. “How long will I be gone?”

“Two weeks at the most. There are several rehearsal scenes planned for the show too, so they’ll need their own choreography, in addition to the big proposal moment at the end of the episode. And the three male leads, who are going to jump into the flash mob, don’t really have any dancing experience, so you may have your work cut out for you there.”


“I know this is totally out of left field, but what do you think? Would you like to do it?”

The old me, the me before dating Paul, or even before having that cardiac episode, would probably have said no. I probably would have been too worried about the risk of traveling for work. I’d probably have been too nervous about what the change in my routine would do to my health. I definitely would have been worried about long days or too much exertion.

But now? I had a clean bill of health after what happened seven weeks ago, and I had never felt healthier or more in shape. I had a defibrillator implanted in my chest that would shock my heart back into rhythm if needed. I’d faced death and come out the other side. I was finally in a relationship with the man I hadn’t let myself love for years. The new me wanted to embrace my new life-is-too-short attitude and do something crazy, as Paige had called it.

I nodded even though she couldn’t see me. “Yes. I would really like to do it. I do want to let you know that I have a heart condition and may need to take breaks. I’m still fully confident in my ability to do the job, but I wanted to make sure to let you know that in advance.”

“We already knew about your heart condition; we’ve seen your YouTube channel. I love the way you shared your story about how you wanted to be a professional ballerina and now you have all of these other ways to still dance for a living. It’s so inspiring.”

“Thank you,” I said, my face getting hot at the idea of a famous actress casually checking out my content.

“Okay, so listen, I have to run. But I’ll have my assistant call you to discuss the details. Can you leave on Monday?”

I shuffled through my classes and obligations in my head and decided there was probably a way to cover all of them. “Yeah, I should be able to make that work.”

“Great. Expect a call from Molly Russo sometime tomorrow.”

“Okay, thanks, Paige.”

“You’re very welcome. I’m so excited to meet you. Feel free to bring Paul if he can take leave. I know how that goes. Needs of the Corps and all that.”

I blinked a few times, hearing Paige Walker joking around about military life was totally blowing my mind. “Will do. Thanks.”

We got off the phone and I turned to my friends, mind completely blown. “Wow.”