Our family has now left their seats and joined us over at our table, waiting to congratulate us.

“You do realize that that song is about having a baby and we—” I turn to our family, throwing my hands up in innocence. “—are not expecting, just to clear that up.”

Everyone laughs, but just then the last thing I expect happens—Zach and Haylee look at each other before Haylee shouts, “No, but we are!”

Zach yells, “Surprise!” with his hands in the air as if he just did a magic trick.

There is an awkward silence for just a moment before everyone erupts in cheers. “Holy shit, you’re gonna be a dad!” Kyler shouts as he gives Zach one of those man hugs with the half hug, half back slap. Haylee and I jump up and down in excitement. Everyone hugs and the moms all check out my new bling as Mr. Brian, Dad, and Zach pull some tables that were next to us together, forming one giant table.

As Mom takes a seat, she places her hands together with excitement, looking at both Ms. Natalie and Mrs. Lawson (I guess I should get used to calling her Ms. Liz, or Mom, since she is going to be my mother-in-law). “Well, ladies, looks like we have now two weddings and a baby shower to plan.” All the moms look excited, and I can already see the wheels turning in their minds. Lord help us.

I can’t stop smiling, and neither can my now fiancé. I look down at the ring, and it seriously is beautiful. My man did good.

Kyler leans over and kisses my cheek. “Are you happy, future Mrs. Lawson?”

I place a kiss on his lips. “Why yes, Mr. Lawson, I am very happy.” And I am. It’s in that moment I realize that I get my happily ever after, after all.

We’re lying in bed, and I’m stroking Dani’s hair down her back while our breathing evens out after a serious lovemaking session. Our clothes started flying off the moment the front door closed. Dani and I scooted out early from Lucky’s. I couldn’t wait to get my fiancée home and to officially celebrate with her, which we did twice already. Not that I don’t love spending time with our families—I loved that they were all able to be there with us. How I actually pulled off this surprise I am still trying to wrap my head around. This beautiful woman next to me actually said yes. Also, holy shit, my best friend is going to be a dad—the same man I watched eat a five-pound container of cheese balls on a dare, do keg stands at 7:00 a.m., and run naked across the quad after finals senior year. Oh, the stories I will tell that kid one day, I chuckle to myself.

I can tell Danielle is off in her own world, so I push her hair to the side and rub her shoulder to bring her out of her thoughts. “Where’s that pretty little head of yours at, baby girl?”

She looks up at me and smiles. I will never tire of seeing her smile at me.

“Well, for one, I can’t believe I’m going to be an auntie. I’m so excited, but wow, Zach and Haylee are going to be parents,” she laughs, clearly thinking the same thoughts of ridiculous moments with those two.

She lays her head back down on my chest and raises her left hand to admire that gorgeous rock on her finger. “I am also over-the-moon happy. I still can’t believe I’m engaged and that this is real.”

I wrap my arms around her tighter. “You better believe it’s real, babe. You’re stuck with me forever now. Foooorrrrreeeevvvverrrrr!”

I can feel her smile on my chest. “How did you pull all this off?” she asks as she traces my chest with the tips of her fingers.

I kiss the top of her head. “Well, I had some help—Haylee helped me pick out the ring, I asked your dad and brother for permission.” I pause. “I even asked Emmett for his permission.”

Dani jolts, pushing up on my chest. “What?”

“I drove the other week to the cemetery and sat there to chat with Emmett, man to man.” I am watching Dani’s eyes fill up with tears. “The day I told you I was in meetings all day I had really gone and talked to him. I had asked all the men in your life for permission, and he was no different.” I pull myself to an upright position and cup her face, my thumb catching a stray tear.

“I can’t believe you did that, Ky,” she says in between tears, leaning into my palm. “You are unbelievably amazing, you know that?” She then leans in, placing a deep, passionate kiss on my lips. “And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you,” she says, hovering over my lips before taking them again. I can feel the desire pouring out of her, and I pull her on my lap to straddle me. She is ready for me.

Looking into her eyes as I line myself up to her entrance, I say, “I love you, Danielle Jacobs.”

“I love you too, Kyler Lawson,” she breathes as I enter her. The past two times tonight were frantic; this time I’m going to take my time savoring every bit of her, the woman I love.

Fourteen months later…

T he day has finally arrived. I am standing behind my best friend as he is about to marry the woman of his dreams in front of his family, friends, and most importantly, his daughter. Emme Danielle Jacobs, named after her uncle and aunt, was born five months ago. She is the spitting image of her mother, thank God, but I can already tell she has that Jacobs personality that I love that my best friend and fiancée both have. Zach and Haylee had asked me and Dani to be her godparents prior to her birth, and of course we accepted. There was no other option for us.

The first time I held my goddaughter in my arms, I instantly fell in love and knew there would be no greater feeling in the world like this until the moment I would hold my own child for the first time. Dani and I try to watch Emme twice a month at least, but really whenever we can so that Zach and Haylee can have date night, catch up on sleep, or maybe work on making a sibling for Emme. It gives us practice with a baby—now, I know what you’re thinking, and no, Dani is not pregnant…yet. But every time I see her interact with our niece, my heart swells. When she rocks her to sleep in her arms, I imagine our future son or daughter in her arms, and I can’t wait to start our family.

My girl is everything, and I fall in love with her more and more each day. When I saw her walking down the aisle moments ago in her dark purple dress that accentuates every curve on her beautiful body, I almost fell over. Zach elbowed me in the stomach jokingly when he saw my smile mimic hers as she got closer.

“Hey, remember this is my day—you get your day in six months, so knock that eye banging my sister shit out.”

I laugh, leaning over to him. “I’m pretty sure you aren’t supposed to say ‘shit’ in church…or talk about banging.”

Now it’s his turn to laugh. As Dani approaches us and takes her place across from me, she gives us a “what the fuck and cut that shit out” look. Zach and I both straighten up, and I wink at her while mouthing I love you. She mouths it back as the music switches to “Heartbeats” by José González. We all turn our attention back to the entrance where Haylee and her dad s

tand, ready to make the journey to the altar. As they make their way down to us, I watch both Dani and Zach wipe tears from their eyes. My best friend is man enough for me to not make fun of him for shedding tears as his bride approaches because I know if I made fun of him, he is bound to do the same when it’s my turn.