“Well, I see some traffic ahead, so I’m going to be a safe driver an

d get off the phone now.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You get your smart ass from your father.”

I let out a loud laugh. “You know it.”

“I love you, Dani. See you Sunday. Tell the boys I say hi.”

“Love you too. Will do!”


Happy songs play loud out of the speakers on the drive. I’m flying high knowing that I’m one step closer to being back with Em and my brother. Just like he had said, I did miss him—of course I do. Yes, I see him often, but it’s different when it’s just visiting and not him actually living down the hall from me.

I hadn’t planned on being in Philly this weekend since Emmett would be studying for finals, but I couldn’t wait to tell him the good news. The drive flies by even though I hit some Friday traffic on the way, and the next thing I know I’m pulling into the parking garage at the apartment complex. I don’t see either Jeep in their spots, so I park in the guest parking space, where I typically park, and pull my phone out to call Emmett, but he doesn’t answer. That’s strange, but I’ll just head up to the apartment and wait for him.

I grab my purse and the letter before exiting the car. I don’t usually bring an overnight bag with me anymore since I have quite a few things here already. Using my key to open the apartment door, I can’t help but imagine what our life will be like in the fall when I officially live here. A time when we will no longer need to say goodbye on Sundays, no more determining whose weekend it is to travel, no more nightly good-night calls, or going days without feeling the warmth of his embrace.

My phone buzzes as I set my purse and keys down on the desk in Em’s room.

EMMETT: Sorry I missed your call, babe. At the library for study group. Can’t wait for these fucking exams to be over.

EMMETT: My brain is ready to explode.

ME: It’s okay, I have a surprise for you!

EMMETT: Oh yeah???

ME: Yep!

EMMETT: What is it? Is it a naked surprise?

ME: Nope, but it could be when you get home…

EMMETT: Wait, where are you?

ME: At the apartment. I got something in the mail today and I couldn’t wait to tell you!

EMMETT: Shit, Dani! You should’ve called when you were on your way and I would’ve blown this off. And is it what I think it is?

EMMETT: P.S. You’re gonna make me hard thinking about you naked rather than English Lit.

ME: You’re crazy! You need to study for finals and YES….

I send him a photo of the letter.

EMMETT: Fuck yeah, baby, I’m so proud of you! Holy shit, we need to celebrate. This is amazing.

EMMETT: I will be here about another hour or so and come pick you up, then we will go out and celebrate. Zach is out at some party tonight and I’m sure he will find someone to go home with, so we can come home and have naked celebrations all over the apartment without him bothering us!

ME: Okay, take your time. I’m going to shower the drive off and get ready.

EMMETT: Fuck me…how the hell am I supposed to concentrate knowing you’re naked in my shower?! Yep, def rockin’ a boner in the library. Thanks, sweetheart.

ME: You’re welcome! Anytime (Kissy face)

ME: Now hurry your sexy ass up studying so you can head home to me and we can be naked together.