I get up and wrap my arms around his shoulders from behind and give him a big bear hug before sitting back down on my stool.

“I can’t believe you’re getting married. Holy shit, both of you! I don’t think I can apologize enough for ruining your moment yesterday.”

Shaking my head in embarrassment, I avoid his gaze. How was that only yesterday? Less than twenty-four hours ago, I witnessed my brother get on one knee in front of my best friend and confess his undying love for her and promise her forever. Damn, who knew he was such a romantic?

Zach nods. “I spoke with Haylee last night and she explained. I’m sorry, too, that you felt that way, but I need you to always be open and honest about things before they blow up. I need you to talk to us—that is the only way we’re going to get through this and move forward,” he pleads with me, and I agree. “Speaking of moving forward, so you and Kyler said the L word, huh?”

I smile, recalling how good it actually felt to tell him that I loved him. I didn’t think there was a better feeling, that is until he said it back. I gather the strength to ask the question I had never thought to ask him before. “Are you okay with this?”

Zach looks at me almost as if he’s looking through me, but I speak again before he can answer. “I mean, I feel like it’s happening all over again, me falling in love with your best friend. I don’t want to take anyone from you.”

My eyes begin to fill, but I don’t allow them to spill over. Zach puts his coffee mug down on the island and pulls me into his arms. Thankfully he is wearing gym shorts and a T-shirt instead of boxers which is what I sometimes find him in when I come into the kitchen early in the morning.

“Dani…I just want you to be happy. You deserve the world, a man worthy of your greatness, and nothing but happiness. The fact that you chose that in not just one of my best friends but both, as weird as that sounds, means I kick ass at picking best friends because only the best will do for my little sister.”

He kisses my forehead and grins at me. “You have been dealt a super sh

itty hand these past few years, and I finally see my sister. Kyler brought you back to me, to all of us, and if you want to be with him, I will support you 100 percent, but Jesus Christ, Dani, please use the door locks—they were invented for a reason.”

And there it is, the heartfelt moment gone. Typical Zach ruining a good moment. I push off him and take a seat back on my stool.

T he last year and a half has been amazing. Time with Dani is something I never take for granted, or plan to. Her love is a gift that I am forever grateful for. Dani and I ended up moving out of the house and had gotten a place of our own just down the street.

I know what I want to do next, but I need to talk to three people. Last week I took her dad to dinner and Zach out for drinks, leaving our women at home, and the third person is what brought me here. There is one last person I need to ask permission. I turn the key, shutting the ignition off to my truck. My phone buzzes in my pocket. Pulling it out, I see her name on the screen with a photo I took of her one night while she was in the kitchen baking. I felt bad lying to her earlier, saying that I was going to be in meetings all day, but I didn’t want her to know that I had taken the day off and traveled down here to have this conversation.

“Hey, baby!”

“Hey, how’s your day been? Are you still in meetings? I didn’t think you were gonna answer.”

“No, I’m just leaving one, headed to another. Should be home in about three hours.”

“Oh okay, well, I just wanted to see if you wanted to go out tonight to eat or stay in?”

“Can we stay in and…I eat you out?” I know she is on the other end of the line blushing and possibly squirming around in her chair thinking about that. Man, how fucked-up am I having this type of conversation here of all places? I think I’m definitely going to hell. “Baby, you still there?”

“Oh yeah, sorry… I was…”

I interrupt her. “Thinking about me and all the things I’m gonna do to you tonight?”

“Maybe.” Yep, I totally called it.

I smile knowing this girl has me wrapped around her finger.

“Well, babe, I gotta go. I’ll see you later tonight.”

“Okay, I’ll make veggie lasagna. Haylee said all this wedding stress was making her crave carbs.”

“Can’t wait, that’s my favorite. I love you.”

“Love you too!”

Once Dani and I hang up the phone, I place my phone on the dashboard and get out of my truck. Here goes nothing. I approach the headstone and stoop down to remove the wilted flowers from the vase.

“Hey, Emmett. I’m Kyler.”

I had come with Danielle, Zach, Haylee, and their families here on the five-year anniversary of his death, but I stood to the side to give them space. Dani had said some words and then stood next to me, never letting go of my hand. I felt it was important, though, to have a man-to-man talk and introduce myself. He was just as important in her life as her father and brother.

Running my hand over the stubble on my jaw, I try to remember the speech I had planned on the two-hour drive here from the city, but all words seem to have left my mind, so I guess I’m winging it.