In between her fit of giggles, she yells back, “Haven’t you ever heard of knocking first?”

“I told you to knock first. Maybe you should listen to me more often,” Haylee adds from the other side of the door in between her laughter.

We continue to hear him groan and curse as he stomps away. Our laughter is out of control now, and I end up falling back on the bed, taking Dani back with me, still wrapped in my arms. I push the hair off her face.

“Wait, if you envisioned your happily ever after, why did you freak out? What am I missing here?”

“Don’t you see, Kyler, when I thought of my happily ever after, it wasn’t Emmett I saw down on one knee. It was you.”

I roll her over onto her back and settle between her legs.

“I love you, baby.”

“I love you too. Now how ‘bout you show me how much.”


Naked, sweaty and absolutely beautiful with her hair strewn across the pillow, Dani pinches my side and I flinch. “You are so full of yourself.”

I snicker. “Actually, babe, you are full of me.”

She groans and buries her face into the pillow.

“Come on. My jokes aren’t that bad.”

Lifting her head, she raises her eyebrows at me. I smirk holding my hands up in innocence. “Okay, okay, maybe they are.”

I reach for her and pull her into my arms, right where I want her to be always. A few minutes of silence passes before I speak. “Move in with me.”

“You do realize I live here, right?”

My palm grazes her cheek. “No, I mean move in to my room. You already spend every night in there. We can move all your stuff officially in there tomorrow.”

“We’re really doing this?”

I roll over to my side, and Dani matches my position opposite of me. “Dani, I want this, all of this, with you. I love you. What do you say?”


K yler spent the whole night showing me how much he loved me. We passed out somewhere around 3:00 a.m. How it is I am awake this early, I’m not sure—guess my body doesn’t care what my night entailed, just that it needs caffeine. Encased in Kyler’s arms, I have to be quiet as to not wake him. I quietly slide out from under his arm, causing him to make a tiny groaning noise. I lean back on the bed and press a kiss to his cheek. “Stay asleep, baby.”

He groans back before rolling over onto his other side. I grab his T-shirt off the floor and slip into a pair of shorts from my dresser. I slowly open the bedroom door, turning around and smiling at a sleeping Kyler before quietly closing the door. I’m not sure if anyone else is awake in the house, so I creep toward the kitchen but am quickly hit with the smell of coffee as I approach the living room, so someone must be awake.

“Good morning,” I hear my brother say before I see him. His voice startles me, causing me to jump.

“I’m sorry, was I not loud enough for you?” He raises his eyebrows at me, clearly a dig at the volume of Kyler’s and my lovemaking last night. Oops. I give that sly Jacobs smile, pleading the fifth. I walk over to the cabinet reaching for my favorite mug before pouring the delicious liquid into my cup. I reach into the refrigerator and grab the container of almond milk to pour into the coffee. Bringing the mug up to my nose, I inhale the yummy smell and can feel it already seeping into my veins.

My brother laughs from where he is sitting, diverting my attention back to him.


He shakes his head. “Did Kyler fuck your brains out to the point that you forgot you drink coffee and not sniff it?”

Rolling my eyes at him and holding back a laugh, I take a seat next to him. “Oh, dear brother, maybe I should tell Haylee to reconsider the thought of marrying you.” I can’t help but laugh before I finish my statement. “And you’re gross,” I say, sticking my tongue out at him. He pushes my arm. Thankful for my quick reflexes, I catch the mug before any coffee spills.

“Hey, don’t waste perfectly good coffee, asshole.”

We both sit in silence, enjoying the morning caffeine. It has been a long few days. “So, Zach, I’m really sorry about yesterday. I haven’t even told you congratulations, big brother.”