“Hey.” I reply.

“Is Zach around?” Oh, so she does know his name. I bite my lip in an attempt to hold back my laughter and feel Em’s elbow in my side trying to get me to knock it off. When I don’t answer, he does.

“Umm, no, he’s out.”

Her face falls. “Oh, okay. I guess I should probably go, then.” Em nods and reverts his gaze back to the TV. She, who shall remain nameless since we have no clue what her name is, stands there for a few moments as if she’s expecting us to ask her to stay, but nope, not happening, sweetheart.

Finally, she turns around and heads back into his room and moments later returns with her clothes, I assume, and purse in hand—still wearing Zach’s clothes. She heads toward the front door and pauses.

Very quietly, only loud enough for me to hear, Em whispers, “Oh shit.” I swat at his chest.

“Hey, can you tell him to call me?”

I don’t even turn around and throw my hand up. “Yep, you got it.”

“Don’t you need my name?”

Fuck. This girl actually has a brain, sort of. I get up and look to find a piece of paper on the coffee table and walk toward her.

“Sorry, I don’t have a pen.”

“That’s okay, I have one.”

Of course she does—she pulls a pen out of her purse. Oh my, my brother really knows how to pick them. She writes something on the paper and hands it back to me. I look down and see the note she wrote as she exits the apartment.

I had a great time last night. Call me! Xo Whitney 215-218-8359

As soon as I heard the door click I crumple up the piece of paper and throw it. Yeah, sorry, Whitney, there’s no way in hell my brother is calling you.

Em’s phone vibrates and I see my Zach’s name appear, as if he had some sixth sense that she had finally left. I quickly reach for it before Em can and answer it.

“Hello, my darling brother. For the record, Whitney is gone and she left a lovely note for you.”

“Great. I’ll be home shortly. Just leaving the gym.”

“Take your time. Oh, by the way, she took your favorite lax T-shirt and gym shorts.” I hear my brother curse but interrupt him by ending the call. I toss the phone on the table, satisfied with myself.

“You’re evil, you know that, right?”

I snuggle farther into Emmett and look up at him. “Would you have me any other way though?”

He smiles and leans down, bringing his lips to mine. Just before they touch, he whispers, “I love you just the way you are.”

We lose ourselves in each other on the couch, not even caring that my brother will arrive home soon. That’s what he gets for making us do his dirty work for what seems to be the millionth time.

I had left that note on the kitchen counter for my parents earlier today after getting my early acceptance letter in the mail from University of Pennsylvania. My phone rings shortly after I am on the road and I answer. My mother’s voice chimes throughout my speakers.

“Hey, Mom.”

“Hi, sweetheart. I just got home and got your note! Your dad and I are so proud of you!”

“Thanks! I am so excited. I just couldn’t wait to tell Em.”

“I know, just do me a favor and be careful. The roads are slick out there, okay? I heard there was going to be some ice tonight in Philly.”

“Yes, Mom, I’ll be careful.”

“I know you will, Dani. Doesn’t mean as your mom I don’t worry.”