I had been dreaming about those plump lips of hers around my hard cock since we met, but no dream could ever even compare to the reality of it. Fuck! I need to stop my thoughts from thinking of her doing it again before my dick wakes back up and presses into her back. Her hands tighten around my arms, as if she doesn’t want me to be able to leave and head back to the guest room. She has nothing to worry about; now that I’m here, there’s nowhere else I’d rather be. I close my eyes and relish in the feeling of this girl in my arms…my girl. I laugh to myself at the stress I felt radiating off her earlier this day when we were caught kissing in the driveway versus this girl right now, wrapped up in my arms.

The next morning, I wake up with my girl still in my arms, our legs tangled and my morning wood digging into her ass. I lean farther into her hair, inhaling her shampoo scent. There’s something about it that brings a sense of peace and calmness. It’s like it’s embedded in my brain, and even if she isn’t with me I can smell her, and it brings me to my knees. I don’t want to wake her yet, but I know that there’s going to be a house full of people shortly and she might want to get

up before someone comes busting through her bedroom door and finds us in this compromising position. I mean, I personally don’t mind—I would be rather content staying in bed tangled up in the sheets with her all day—but this is the first birthday that her mom gets to spend with her in years. Shit, this is going to be the first of many events and holidays that Dani will be around for.

I gently place a kiss to the back of her head and run my fingers up and down her spine. She makes a slight moaning sound that goes straight to my dick, and if I wasn’t already hard as a rock, I would definitely be now. “Baby, I’m going to go shower. Is it okay if I use yours?”

Dani grunts a noise which I am going to assume was a yes and laugh to myself. This girl is definitely not a morning person.

I lean in to whisper into her ear, “Feel free to join me if you want.”

As I get up from the bed, Dani rolls over, taking up most of the bed. “Bed hog,” I mutter.

“Heard that.”

I quietly tiptoe to the guest room and retrieve my bag and walk back to Dani’s room without running into anyone in the hallway. As I step back into the bedroom, I see that Dani has made no attempt to move, so I quickly shuffle into the bathroom and shut the door. Damn, it would have been awesome to have grown up having my own bathroom. Having to share one with one sibling would have been brutal, but try having to share one with twin girls, especially when they were teenagers.

I turn on the shower and let the water adjust before stripping out of my clothes and stepping in to allow the water to run over me. My mind travels to the events of last night, the reality of her lips on my dick way better than any fantasy I had dreamed of. I have no clue if Dani is planning to surprise me in here, and the last thing I want her to find me doing is…well, myself…especially in her shower. The only other option I have, and I am definitely not a fan, but I don’t have much of a choice. I silently curse as I reached for the temperature handle and crank the water to cold. Biting my lip to the point where I can almost taste blood, I yelp like a little girl. I shut my eyes, my dick and balls shriveling up into oblivion, and pray no one else heard my shriek in the house—hopefully no one in the neighborhood even.

I slowly turn the water back to a warmer temperature and finish up getting clean before turning the water off. I reach for a towel, drying off my body, and wrap it around my waist. I realize my bag is just outside the door. I don’t want to disturb Dani, so I try to be quiet opening the door. When I step out into the bedroom, I’m greeted by the most beautiful woman I have ever seen sitting on the edge of her bed with her legs crossed, staring straight at me. Her eyes peruse up and down my body. I lean down into my bag, grabbing a pair of boxers, and watch her out of the corner of my eye continuing to watch me. She drinks me in as she lifts her coffee cup to her lips. I take my time getting dressed, knowing that this is probably turning her on, and if I walk over there and put my hand underneath her panties, I could guarantee she would be dripping wet.

After pulling my boxers on, I run the towel through my hair quickly to dry the excess water off it. It’s left a mess, but I know that’s how Dani likes it. She always loves to run her fingers through it and massage my scalp, which I have no shame in admitting I love too.

“See something you like, sweetheart?” I ask her after I throw the towel into the hamper outside the bathroom door and stalk toward her. She uncrosses her legs and stands, meeting me at the end of the bed. She sets her coffee down on the desk next to another filled mug, which I assume is for me, and then presses her body against me, running her hands up and down my chest. I chuckle as she continues her exploration. “You do realize that if your lazy ass got up out of bed sooner, you could have joined me in there.”

She whines as I run my fingers through her hair this time. “But my bed was so comfy. I missed that bed…and it was even better with you in it.”

I release her hair from my fingers and gently swat at her butt. “Oh, you do not want to start this, babe.”

She begins to back up with a hint of passion in her eye. I quickly catch up to her with very few steps and grab her waist, pulling her to me before pressing a searing kiss against her lips, her mouth opening for me to allow my tongue to seek hers. We both moan at the back of our throats. I need to stop before I throw her down on the bed and have my way with her. I don’t care who is in the house and why we said we would take things slow—her body makes me react in a way no other woman has before.

I continue to kiss her until my phone on the nightstand begins to buzz. Reluctantly I pull away from our kiss and press a brief one on her forehead, still needing the contact of her, and walk to retrieve my phone. I sit on the side of the bed as I open my text messages.

ZACH: We ended up getting in late last night and stayed at Haylee’s parents’ house. Headed over now, dipshit. Wake the fuck up or I’ll come steamroll your ass.

ZACH: Oh and heard the rents found out about you and Dani. Just couldn’t keep your hands to yourself could you. *SMH*

ZACH: Well, hopefully the image of you with your tongue down her throat *GROSS* will be a better image for the moms than well… you know!

I feel the bed dip as Dani climbs over toward me, her front to my back, and wraps her arms around my shoulder. She begins kissing my back, to my shoulders, up my neck, and she sucks and nibbles on my earlobe. Who is this vixen, and what did she do with my Danielle?

I lean back and claim her lips with mine, molding my hand to the back of her head, keeping her there a moment while I savor this moment. “Baby, as much as I want to keep doing this, that was your brother and they are headed over in a few minutes from the Hankses’ house. He also threatened to steamroll me if I wasn’t out of bed, and let me just say the last time he tried to do that in college, I ended up taking a knee to the balls. It was fucking awful. Worst way to wake up.”

Dani groans, clearly not wanting to get out of bed, but she doesn’t want her brother to come running in here either. She gets up and grabs the coffee mug I assumed was for me and walks it over to me.

“Here, I got this for you. Hopefully it’s still warm.” She leans down and kisses my cheek before walking back to the desk to grab hers and then heads in the direction of the bathroom. She pauses for a moment and turns to look back at me. “Oh, hey, babe?”

I look up after taking a sip of the coffee. “Yeah?”

“You shriek like a teenage girl, by the way.”

I grab the pillow behind me and throw it toward her, but she quickly shuts the door. I can hear her giggles on the other side before the sound of the shower drowns them out. I hear Zach’s Jeep pull up outside, and I decide to get dressed and meet them downstairs.

Later that day, Kelly has her birthday cake in front of her that Natalie and Dani had baked, with a few candles lit—of course, not as many as her age, although Zach had suggested it and asked if we should call the fire department.

“Make a wish, Mom.” Zach leans back in his chair with his arm around Haylee.

Kelly looks around at everyone gathered around her: Adam, Natalie, Brian, Zach, Haylee, me, and then her eyes land on her daughter’s. She smiles the biggest smile I have ever seen Mrs. Jacobs smile. “There’s nothing else I can wish for because it has finally come true. All I have wanted the past few years was for my family to all be together again, and here we are. I couldn’t have asked for a better birthday.”