Zach stands and goes into protective-dad mode, thinking he’s so funny. “All right, you kids have fun. Be sure to have her home by 10:00, or I’ll be on the porch cleaning my gun or maybe send a search party out for you.”

Haylee smacks his arms. “Dumbass. You guys have fun. Don’t worry about this assclown. I’ll make sure he’s nowhere near a gun or the front porch.” She rises from the seat and waves goodbye as she walks into the kitchen.

Both Dani and I roll our eyes as we walk past Zach and head out the front door. When we get to the passenger side of the truck, I push her against the door lightly and meet her lips with mine. Her mouth opens, welcoming my tongue…and we’re back to my dick getting hard again. As our lips lock and kiss hungrily, she wraps her hands around my neck and pulls me closer. I know she can definitely feel my erection now. I pull back, knowing that if we don’t stop now, I might not be able to. When Dani finally opens her eyes, the blue is sparkling even in the darkness.

“Sorry, I wanted to do that ever since I saw you walk into the living room.” I open the truck door and wait for her to get in.

“I wouldn’t have complained if you had.” She gives me a devilish smirk before she climbs in and closes the door.

I adjust my pants for what seems like the millionth time lately and walk around to the driver’s side. When determining our date, I thought about doing something fancy and heading into the city, but that might have been a little over-the-top. So I really racked my brain and came up with the perfect idea. There’s a small music festival down at the park tonight with food trucks and music. There are also some vendors too. Now that the weather has gotten warmer, there are lots of cute events put on in town.

The ride to the park is a little quiet, but I think we both have a little bit of leftover nerves—mine brought on in hopes she likes this, and hers I’m sure are because she has no idea where we are going or what I am leading her into. I gave no hint whatsoever as to the details of our date.

When we pull up to the parking lot of the park, she looks around, trying to figure out where we are going. Before I can tell her to wait for me to walk around and open the door for her, she gets out of the truck the same time I do. She is clearly excited to see what I have planned. I originally hadn’t planned on this being our first date, since I just asked her last night, but I remembered seeing the event posting before and was going to see if everyone wanted to go anyway. It just worked out perfectly.

“Where are we going?”

“You’ll see. Just this way.” I place my hand on the small of her back and lead her toward the area where the food trucks are sitting. Her eyes widen when she sees the trucks all lined up, surrounded by lights and picnic tables. On the outskirts of that area is a stage where a band is currently playing. I think they’re local, playing country music, and people are even dancing in front of it. What a great setup. I think I’ve even impressed myself with this date; hopefully she is impressed as well.

She turns to me and places her hands on my hips. “Oh my God, this is awesome!”

“Really? You like it?”

She nods and places a quick kiss on my cheek.

“Well damn, if I knew this was the reaction you’d give me, then maybe I should’ve taken you out a long time ago.”

“Don’t push your luck, Lawson.” She turns around and looks at all the different food trucks. There’s a burger truck, Italian ice, taco truck, falafel truck, and then I spot it… “It’s So Gouda”—the everything cheese truck. “So, what are you in the mood for?”

I reach for her hand, lace our fingers, and pull her in the direction of the cheese truck.

As we get closer, her eyes light up and I bet her mouth is watering because there is a huge sign on the side of the truck that says, “Voted best cheese fries three years in a row!”

She stops in awe, and I step behind her, wrapping my arms around her middle, and lean down closer to her ear. “How do cheese fries sound?”

She lets out a little moan that lets me know I made the right call with this.

“And, not just any cheese fry, but I happen to know they use curly fries.”

She moans again and this time as she does it she leans back against me, her ass rubbing up against my dick. I don’t think she does it on purpose, but I’m not fully sure.

“Is that a yes?”

Dani turns around and is smiling from ear to ear. “I will always say yes to cheese…especially if it’s on fries. I’d put that shit on everything if I could. Well, maybe not everything.” She looks lost in her thoughts, probably thinking of foods she wouldn’t put cheese on, when I reach back and pinch her ass. She jerks forward.

“What was that for?”

“Sorry, just trying to get your attention…and can you blame me for wanting to have my hands on that ass? Damn, you know how to fill a pair of jeans.”

Busting out in a fit of giggles, she shakes her head at me and turns around, pulling my arm to get in line to order.

After enjoying a large plate of cheese fries, a chicken quesadilla, and a small order of fried mac and cheese along with two raspberry lemonades, we both are stuffed to the brim. I love a girl that can eat. Nothing sexier than a girl with an appetite—true, I ate most of the food, but my girl can surely get down on some cheese fries. I was so turned on watching her lick the cheese off her fingers.

We spend the rest of the evening walking around, browsing the little stands set up, and I even get her onto the makeshift dance floor for a few dances.

When we arrive back home, we sit in the driveway for a few moments, unsure of how the night will end. I’ve never taken a girl I lived with out on a date. Do I kiss her at the front door? Do I kiss her inside? Do we just go our separate ways? Do I walk her to her bedroom?

I am surprised when Dani leans over the center console and grabs my cheeks in her hands, pulling my face to hers, and devours my lips. What started out as a simple kiss has turned into heavy breathing, hands groping, and private parts grinding. I’m not exactly sure at what moment Dani climbs over into my lap, but hell, I’m not complaining. When she pulls away, I miss the contact already. Her cheeks and chest are both flushed, and I bet if I reached into her panties I would find them soaking wet.