“Baby, this morning was about you. We have plenty of time for me later. I want to explore this thing with you and get to know you more and see where it goes. Will you let me take you on an official date?”

Looking up at me through hooded eyelids, she leans in and kisses me softly.

“Is that a yes?” I ask as she pulls back smiling.

“Yes, but only if you do that again.”

“Oh, you can bet your sweet ass we will be doing that again…that and more,” I reply, winking at her. “And see, I told you last night you’d be rewarded if you liked the movie, so you basically just admitted that you loved the movie.”

She doesn’t say anything because I know she enjoyed both last night’s movie and this morning’s encore.

“So…” Haylee starts as we climb into her car. I knew it—here it comes. I’ve been waiting for it since she and Zach arrived this morning. After a long morning in bed, Kyler and I finally decided to join the real world. When we walked into the kitchen, we were greeted by a giddy and smiling Zach and Haylee sitting at the island sipping coffee. They watched us as we made coffee without saying anything. I knew Haylee would be pressing for details later.

After a hilariously awkward moment between the four of us, Ky and Zach headed to the gym. Haylee later found me in my room rummaging through my entire closet trying to find something for Kyler’s and my official first date. She eyed the pile of clothing spread out all over my bed, and when a wicked smirk appeared on her lips, she didn’t ask what I needed clothes for, instead clapped her hands together and said, “Looks like we need to go shopping,” which brings us to this moment.

“So…” I say back as I buckle my seat belt and place my hands in my lap.

“You and Kyler, huh?” She thinks she’s being funny knowing damn well what she witnessed last night at Lucky’s. I blush, looking out the window as I remember me and Kyler…what it was like to have his hands and mouth on me last night and this morning and sleeping curled up next to him all night.

“Mmmhmm,” I mutter, but it comes out more of a moan.

Hails throws her head back in laughter as she starts the ignition. “Oh, I think lunch might need to be added to our shopping date, and that lunch may need to include cocktails because you better damn well believe you are spillin’ all the details! But first things first, we need to set the mood.”

“What!” I squeal as I see her pull our favorite Katy Perry CD out of her center console and put it in the CD player.

“You have no idea how long I’ve waited to be able to jam to this CD with a Jacobs and not feel like I’m being judged. I have watched your brother and Kyler do some crazy and stupid shit over the years, but there is some serious judgment in his eyes when I play this in his presence. It’s like he didn’t even know who I am, even though he’s seen us perform these songs all the time. I guess it was different once it was his girlfriend doing them? I had to channel my inner Katy, all by myself. Now…let’s

go get you all hot for your date!”

I smile as I think of this morning when he had told me that he wanted to take me on our official first date. I mean, I guess baking in the kitchen and watching movies a few nights a week doesn’t exactly count as dates. But what do I know? It’s been four years since I went on a date, even longer since a first date. I feel like I need to brush up on what dating consists of now.

As we head toward the mall, listening to the tunes that made up our teens, I can’t help but wonder what she must be thinking. Is this weird for Haylee seeing me with another man? I push those thoughts to the side because I want to be able to give Kyler a chance, and I can’t keep having Emmett hang over us. I am finally trying to get the fresh start that everyone had pushed on me years ago. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to, it was just that I wasn’t ready. I don’t know that I’m fully ready in this moment, but I am willing to try and give it my best.

We walk almost the entire mall, going in and out of stores. By the time we are done, we both have our hands full of bags, with sore feet and rumbling stomachs. We pile the bags in the trunk and head over to the cute little bistro nearby and are seated on the water.

Haylee and I both order a mimosa and a salad—Caesar with chicken for her, and a steak salad for me. While waiting for the waiter to bring our drinks back, she places her clasped hands on the table and looks at me, scrunching her eyebrows.

“What?” I say as she looks me over.

“I’m trying to figure out who you are and what you did with my best friend?”

I laugh. “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

She smiles and sits back in her chair. “Well…it means, look at you, Dani! Look at how far you’ve come recently. You’re opening yourself up to not only us but to Kyler. After all that time away and shutting us out, you actually saw your parents and mine—my mom has not stopped talking about how excited she is about having someone to help her in the kitchen, so thanks.”

I let out a loud giggle and shrug—not my fault she sucks in the kitchen. She continues. “But in all seriousness, D, I’m proud of you. I mean, look at you…actually going on a date, and hello, that kiss last night.” She fans herself as if she’s on fire.

I can feel my cheeks redden as I remember not only that kiss but all the others. I nod in agreement that I have come a long way.

The waiter brings our drinks and salads. I begin to push the food around on my plate. My stomach is full of nerves, but I know I need to eat something, so I eventually take a bite. “To be honest, Hails, I’m not sure how to feel. There is something about Kyler that, I don’t know how to put it in words…”

She quickly cuts me off. “You don’t need to put it in words because you just smiled when you mentioned his name and that, I think, is enough.”

And Kyler did feel different, not that I spent much time around other men, but I feel different around him, as if he can make me whole and fill all the broken parts of me.

“Can I be honest?” I ask while taking a bite of my salad, and Haylee nods. “I have no idea what I’m doing. I mean, I’ve only ever been on one first date and that was when we were thirteen. What if I’m no good at it or Kyler realizes how much of a mess I am? Then it’ll just be awkward.”

Snapping me out of my word vomit conversation freak-out, Haylee raises her glass at me, nodding for me to pick mine up as well. “I know you are scared, but that’s how these things go. I knew Zach my whole life, but I almost threw up from nerves before our first date.”