He nods his head yes because he is now laughing with tears in his eyes. Wow! Where does my brother find these girls? At least make sure she knows your name. Well, I can’t even guarantee my brother knows her name, so there’s that.

I fall back on the mattress and sigh. “Ugh, I can’t unhear this shit.”

I feel the bed shift as Emmett rolls over toward me. “Oh no? I can think of a way to drown them out.”

Leaning on his bent elbow, he slowly comes down and sucks on the sensitive spot right behind my ear that makes me instantly ready and panting for him.

I squirm as he continues sucking and licking. “Mmmmm, I’m in, well…”

He shifts

his weight so he is on top of me and settles himself between my thighs.. “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.”

He begins to tease me, grinding his hard cock against me. Emmett kisses me with such passion and fury, as if I am the air he breathes. His lips move down from my mouth, to my neck, to my chest where he licks, bites, and feasts on my nipples, causing moans to spill from my throat. His hands travel down to my sex where he begins to rub and apply pressure to my clit. He can feel how wet he makes me. This man is insatiable. I will never be able to get enough of him. I grab his shoulders as if needing him to steady me as an orgasm begins to build and rip through me.

The moans from the next room have quickly died down—whether Zach passed out or maybe had a case of whiskey dick and couldn’t deliver, whatever it is, I don’t care. Emmett and I are in our own world, and he makes sure I forget those noises—twice in fact. Now extra sweaty, a shower would be the smart thing to do, but there’s no way I’m getting out of these arms. Falling asleep in my man’s arms is exactly how I want to end every day.

The next morning Emmett and I are sitting at the counter eating breakfast when my brother’s door quietly opens. His figure appears, and by the way he closes the door, I can tell he hopes to not wake his overnight guest. Here we go again. Emmett and I both give knowing looks to each other. Zach has not noticed us as he creeps toward the front door.

“Good morning, dear brother,” I say rather loudly as I bring a forkful of scrambled eggs to my mouth.

Zach jumps, clutching his chest. “Jesus Christ! What the fuck, guys! I thought you were still in bed.”

“Oh no, your welcome home last night was plenty to make sure we didn’t sleep well.” He doesn’t have to know that we weren’t bothered by the sounds that were or were not coming from his room while we were busy making our own, but I am having way too much fun messing with him.

Zach shrugs nonchalantly. “What can I say, the ladies love me.” He brushes past us and grabs a water bottle from the fridge, his back toward us.

Emmett chimes in. “Whatever you say…Ethan.”

We both break into a fit of giggles as my brother turns around. I wonder if he has any recollection of his guest calling him the wrong name. “What was that, man?”

“Oh nothing. Where you headed this early?” Emmett finishes off the food on his plate and begins to pick at what’s left on mine. I swat at him with my fork.

“The gym.”

I roll my eyes, knowing exactly where this is going. “The gym, huh? That couldn’t wait until after your little friend woke up?”

Walking over to me, Zach places a quick kiss to the top of my head. “Nah, little sis. The early bird catches the worm.”

“As long as that’s the only thing you catch.”

Emmett spits his coffee back into his mug at my comment and lets out a roaring laugh.

Zach places his hand over his heart as if my words had hurt him. “Shhh! You’re gonna wake up…wake up…” He bites his lip as if he is trying to recall her name. The longer he takes, I realize he actually doesn’t know her name.

“Oh my God, Zach! You seriously have no idea what her name is, do you?”

“I don’t need to know it. Not like I’m gonna call her and see her again.”

I shake my head at him. Gathering up our dishes, I walk them over and place them in the sink. I walk toward my brother and slap his shoulder. “One day, Zach, we won’t be here to help you out of this situation. Now go so we can get rid of your skank.”

I stalk to the bathroom to take a shower as I hear my brother grab his gym bag from the door and shout, “You’re the best! See ya,” before shutting the door.

An hour later, Emmett and I have both showered and are enjoying a movie on the couch. Shocker, my brother is nowhere to be found. I wonder how long he is going to avoid the apartment this morning. We finally hear movement from Zach’s room, and my hand on Em’s thigh tightens to pull his attention to the door without making it too obvious.

Appearing in the doorway is a skinny redhead with big boobs and legs for days. Ahh, so that’s Miss Fake Moans from last night. She is wearing one of my brother’s favorite Hopkins lacrosse T-shirts and a pair of his shorts, which makes me laugh a little. Well, payback is a bitch, big bro—maybe if he had been here, then he would have been able to save his clothes.

“Hi.” Miss Fake Moans looks confused while searching around the apartment, no doubt looking for my brother.