I shake my head while wiping my eyes.

“Because you did come home. That took great strength and courage to do that. You made amends with Haylee and Zach, you’re here with us. I know that it’s hard, trust me, I have just as many memories of you all here as you do. I love you and nothing that you do or say will ever change that.”

Her arms tighten around me, and I collapse into her chest. We sit quietly as I allow my tears to slow.

“God, I forgot how beautiful this view was here.”

“Well, it wasn’t always this good. I needed something to occupy myself to keep from going on a manhunt to find you, so Natalie and I drove the men nuts redoing both of our backyards. But I don’t mean to toot my own horn, but damn it looks good, doesn’t it.”

A quiet laugh escapes as I sit up. “Yeah, it does. I really am sorry.”

“I know you are. Just remember you are here now. And our door is always open no matter what.”


She places her forehead against mine. “I promise. Now what do you say we get back in there before your brother and Kyler have literally eaten everything including the kitchen sink. I don’t know where they all put it.”

That is a true statement. No wonder they’re always at the gym. I have to cook double the amount of food because they eat as though they were eating for two.

By the time we make our way back to the house, the dining room has been cleared. Mom heads into the kitchen, I assume with the rest of the grown-ups while I head to the couches where Haylee, Zach, and Kyler migrated. I take the empty seat beside Kyler. Zach and Haylee are having a side conversation of their own.

My body is still full of tension as I process my mother’s words. I am strong. I am home.

“Hey, you doing okay?”

“Yeah, I’m good.” I slowly bring my gaze to Kyler’s. His lips curve upward. I return his smile, but I quickly divert my attention away from him. I focus on the soft material of the couch.

I readjust myself on the couch, pulling my legs underneath me. My knees are leaning toward Kyler. He places his hand on my knee, giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze. Just with that tiny touch, the tension I have been holding on to finally releases, and I relax back into the couch.

When I turn to join in on the ongoing conversatio

n, I see Haylee’s eyes focused on me. The rest of her expression is unreadable, but if I had to venture a guess, she may be catching on to whatever is going on between me and Kyler.

“ARE you sure you can’t stay any later? You guys could even stay the night. We could spend tomorrow walking around downtown, maybe get some ice cream at Storm Brothers.”

I pause, unsure how to politely decline. I know my mom just wants to spend more time with me after all this time.

My panic subsides when I sense Kyler approach me from behind. “We really should be getting on the road. I have a day full of meetings Monday I need to prepare for.”

“I promise I’ll be back and stay a long weekend,” I add. Baby steps, Dani.

When my mother turns to hug Zach, I spin and mouth “thank you” to Kyler. He nods and winks at me before shaking my father’s hand.

As I approach Natalie to say goodbye, she hugs me just as tight as she did when I arrived. “Now, if you try to leave again, I have no problem coming to kick your ass.” I laugh, but with the serious expression on her face I don’t think she is kidding.

“You’d have to get in line,” Haylee adds as she hugs her mom.

Mom swoops me into her arms. “Nat and I will come up, and we can all do a girls’ day like we used to.”

“I look forward to it. I love you, Mama.”

My mom’s arms squeeze me tighter. “Oh how I’ve dreamed of the day that I’d hear you say those words again. I love you, Dani girl.”

I take an extra moment while hugging both of my parents. Today has been a lot to handle, but it’s at least a step in the right direction. It also helped having everyone there, including Kyler.

As I walk out of my childhood home, I remember the emptiness I felt the last time I left. I wish I could say I didn’t still feel it, but now it doesn’t feel as deep. Making amends with everyone allows me to feel as though I can breathe for the first time. Coming home was the right decision.

Kyler walks next to me down the steps and places his hand over my lower back as we walk toward his truck. He opens the back door on his side for me, and I pause as I get in, then lean in and kiss his cheek. He blushes, taking his palm to his cheek. “What was that for?”