I step up to her by the sink. “No, you have my attention and help, so I’m gonna finish it.”

I’m suddenly nervous to be invading her personal space again and look down at my feet. “Can I get you a drink? Maybe we can sit and talk? Would that be okay?”

Dani continues to wash the bowl, then sets it on the drying rack and dries her hands on her apron. She bites her lip, and that goes straight to my dick again. “Yeah, sure.”

I walk over to the fridge and grab two beers and meet her in the living room. She says thank you as I hand her the beer. Our fingers brush lightly as she takes it from my hand, and suddenly my mouth is very dry. I quickly take a big swig of beer before sitting down. I see she is picking at the label on her beer. Must be a Jacobs thing; I’ve seen Zach do it on more than one occasion.

She takes a sip and winces. “Are you not a fan of beer?” I ask.

“No, this is fine. I just prefer wine or tequila.”

“Oh shit. Sorry, I can go get you a glass of wine instead.” I place my beer on the coffee table and go to rise to replace her drink with something she actually likes. She grabs my arm, her fingers barely reaching all the way around my bicep, and uses such a force that she pulls me back to the couch.

“You don’t have to do that. This is fine.”

I nod. I make a mental note that when I need a refill, I will grab her a glass. “Want to play a game?” I ask her.

She has a confused look on her face. “Ummmm, what kind of game?” she asks nervously.

Why did I suggest a game? What are we, twelve? I just want to spend time with her and get to know her better. I want to know everything, the little things, the big things, what makes this girl tick. I want to know it all.

Thinking, I suggest, “Well, we could play Twenty Questions or Never Have I Ever?”

“Can you play Never Have I Ever with just two people?”

“Sure, why not?”

She shrugs but doesn’t say no. She takes a sip of her drink, then says, “Okay, you pick.”

Hmmmm, which can I learn more about this girl with? “How about Twenty Questions, just so we aren’t too drunk to finish up those cinnamon rolls.”

Dani tips her beer in my direction. “Valid point. Would hate for you to not be able to claim you made them because you were too drunk to make something good,” she says with a giggle at the end. That giggle—I could listen to that every day. I prop my feet up on the coffee table as she brings her legs underneath her. I love when I see her comfortable in our house.

“I guess I’ll go first. Favorite food?”

She smiles. “Cheese fries, but they have to be curly fries.”

“That’s so specific,” I laugh, and she interrupts me with, “And delicious. What about you?”

“I used to say my favorite food was pizza, but I definitely think it’s that lasagna you make. That was so fucking good.”

Dani blushes at my compliment. “Well, maybe if you are a good enough student with this dish, then maybe I’ll teach you how to make that next.”

Is she flirting with me? The little smile that greeted her lips at the moment and the look in her eye…yep, she is definitely flirting with me. Okay, game on, Jacobs. I adjust myself on the couch and break our staring contest. What I wouldn’t do to reach out and pull her into my lap and press my lips to hers.

“So, Kyler…that’s a different name. I only ever heard it in a book I read once. Is it a family name?”

This question always makes me laugh a little because I remember as a kid people always messing my name up with Tyler. “Well, it’s pretty simple. My parents couldn’t decide on a name when they were pregnant with me. My dad wanted Kyle, and my mom wanted to name me Tyler, so this was kind of their compromise, I guess.”

Over the next hour, we go from asking simple questions like favorite books to what it was like growing up with twin sisters. We forget the limit of only asking twenty questions. Not only does our conversation constantly flow, but it’s easy. The shy, nervous girl that arrived at dinner the other night is long gone.

“Well…” She slaps her hands on her thighs and stands. “I’m going to go check on the dough.” She heads toward the kitchen but stops and looks back at me over her shoulder. “You coming?”

I nod and rise to my feet to follow her but not without letting my eyes drop down to her luscious ass as she walks away. Get yourself together, Ky.

The rolls smell absolutely ah-may-zing! Damn, who knew I would be able to pull this off? I’d say Dani is a fucking amazing teacher if these taste as good as they smell. I’ll have to try to make these one day for Mom and the girls.

Dani takes one of the cinnamon rolls out and slices it in half, giving me one slice. I watch her slowly bring her half to her mouth and take a bite. She closes her eyes and moans. “Mmmmmmmm.” That is seriously the sexiest sound I have ever heard. I want to make her make the sound again and not just with food I helped make.