LAUREN: WTF Kate?! That’s gross.

ME: I’m not answering that, ya freak!

KATE: Exactly! I rest my case.

KATE: But in all seriousness, you should invite her. Does she have other plans?

ME: I don’t know. I don’t know her schedule or anything. Maybe she has plans. She doesn’t usually go out much though.

I wonder if she has plans tonight. Maybe I could just text her and ask her. Wait, why am I even considering this? I would never want to voluntarily throw her to the wolves that are Lauren and Kate. If I ever thought I could potentially have a chance with her, it would completely go out the door once she was interrogated by the Lawson Twins. No, thank you!

LAUREN: Just ask her… what’s the worst that could happen? She says no? No big deal, not like you wouldn’t be seeing her at home anyway.

KATE: Yeah, get your head out of your ass and grab the bull by the balls!

ME: What is wrong with you?! I’m starting to think I’m adopted.

LAUREN: If only you were that lucky *Kissyface*

ME: You TWO can’t go all crazy and scare her away.

LAUREN: Wait does that mean she’s coming?!

ME: I haven’t even asked her. I’m just saying in general.

ME: You both can sometimes be a little intense?

KATE: A little?!

LAUREN: I take offense to that!

ME: *Eyeroll*

ME: You both need to promise to be on your best behavior, DEAL???


ME: I’m serious! Zach will be pissed if you both are your usual selves.

KATE: Oh please, Zach loves me. It’s okay!

LAUREN: And you call me cray-cray?! Pa-lease!

ME: I’m leaving this conversation, to get actual work done. I’m not asking her since you both didn’t agree. Bye!

LAUREN: Okay. Okay. Little bro, keep your pants on! We promise to be on our best behavior!

KATE: Scout’s honor!

ME: You know that only works if you were Scouts, right?!

KATE: Whatever

ME: K, seriously though I need to get work done so that I don’t have to bail. See you both tonight. Love u.

LAUREN: you too!!!!!