Lauren cut me off. “Nope, not buying it. It’s clearly something, or you would just come out and say it.”

I took a deep breath. “Okay, fine. God you guys suck. Remember I told you that Zach’s sister would be staying with us for a while?”

“His sister who ran away and he hasn’t seen in years?”

I nodded. “She didn’t just run away; her boyfriend died, and she wasn’t coping, so she ran. I mean, I guess there are worse things she could’ve done. Anyway, she…Danielle…Dani arrived today. Zach wasn’t home yet, so I let her in just before I left to come meet you guys.”

“What’s she like?”

“I don’t know, I spent maybe ten minutes around her. She looks a lot like Zach; I can see how he said when they were younger people thought t

hey were twins for real.”

The waitress took our food order and left us alone again. My throat was getting drier by the second as I sat there thinking about Dani, but I had to pace my drinking. Couldn’t be arriving back home drunk. Lord help me, what I might do then.

“So, what’s the problem, then?” Lauren questioned innocently, but Kate was looking into me like she saw right through me.

The light in Kate’s eyes got brighter as she realized. “You like her!”

“Ha! How could I like her? I don’t even know her. But fuck…she is beautiful. I’m in trouble.” I ran my fingers through my hair before placing my hands on the back of my neck and exhaling a long breath. I was in trouble for sure.

As our food arrived, Lauren spoke up. “Let me just say this, Kyler, because we love you and want what’s best for you… Be careful. I don’t know what she went through, but there’s a reason she up and left without a word. You don’t know if she is going to leave again or if she’s even…”

Before I let her finish, I interrupted. “I get you looking out for me, but I’m not looking to marry the girl. Just going to live with her for a little while, while she gets her shit together. Just relax, okay? I’m a big boy. Thanks for the concern, Mom.”

My sister’s foot came in contact with my shin. “Ow! What the fuck was that for?”

Kate shoved a forkful of pasta into her mouth. “Because you’re an asshole, a royal asshole.”

We spent the rest of dinner discussing typical bullshit as we usually do. I loved meeting up with them, and I knew they meant well.

When I arrived home, I expected to find Zach and Danielle on the couch watching a movie. I hadn’t been out too late, but when I walked in the front door, I found Zach spread out on the couch alone on the phone and Danielle nowhere in sight. He put his hand over the phone. “Hey, man, how was dinner?”

“It was good. The girls send their love, and Kate says whenever you’re ready to get back on the market, you know where to find her.”

He laughed, and I heard a mumble on the other end of the phone to which Zach responded, “Ky sends his love, babe.”

I rolled my eyes and laughed. “Everything go okay here?”

He nodded. “Yeah, it was fine. Leftover pizza is in the fridge. Dani was tired, so she went to bed.”

It was my turn to nod. “I’m going to take a shower and head to bed, too. See ya tomorrow, man.”

“Later,” Zach yelled as I headed into the hall toward our rooms.

I was too busy lost in my own thoughts and looking at the floor that I didn’t notice the bathroom door swing open and Danielle walking out until she was pressed up against my chest. She made the cutest yelp, and I reached my arms out to steady her. Her skin was so soft, and holy shit she was only in a towel. Her hands squeezed the towel tighter since she almost lost her grip on it when she jumped. I had no intention of scaring her—I thought she had already gone to bed like Zach said, otherwise I may have been on the lookout for her. I needed to figure out what it was about this girl that made me so nervous. It took everything I had in me to keep my cock from being at full attention while she was standing in front of me in just a towel.

“You okay? I didn’t mean to scare you.”

I also didn’t mean for my hands to linger on her naked arms as long as they did, but once I had my hands on her, I wasn’t sure I could — or wanted to — take them off her. It was like her skin was setting me on fire, something I’d never felt before, and I’d had my hands on my fair share of women. Her eyes moved down to where I was still holding her, and I quickly released her from my grasp.

I ran my hand through my hair, having no idea what to do next.

“Yeah, I’m fine, but you’re kind of blocking my door.” Her tone matched her icy glare.

I stepped to the side to allow her in the guest room. I definitely needed a shower now. Making my way to the bathroom, I looked over my shoulder and said softly as she entered her room, “Good night, Dani.” When I heard her door click shut, I finally relaxed.

Stepping into the shower, I let the warm water run down my body before my hand found its way to my hard cock. I imagined my hand was actually hers, stroking me before dropping to her knees in front of me and wrapping those luscious lips of hers around me, teasing me with her tongue. My hand wrapped in her hair, pushing her head to take me further till I came down the back of her throat. With each pump, I imagined her blue eyes staring up at me while she took me in her mouth, enjoying it as much as I did.