"I thank you all for the time you have taken to choose a bride for me, but I fear you have all made a wasted journey," he announced loudly enough for the entire throne room to hear. His heart hammered, his chest filled with fear and guilt as his subjects began to murmur among themselves. "I have no need for a wife at present."

Several voices were raised in disgust.

"This is an outrage!"

"Are our young women not good enough for him?"

"How dare he reject her?"

"If he doesn't want her, I'll have her."

That last comment came from one of the nobles close to the dais, and Asher shot them all a warning glance before he turned back to the crowd, still chattering before him.

He raised his hand for silence and when it did not come, Paxton raised his voice to call for it, "Silence for your king!"

After several long moments, the noise in the room finally died down again. Asher waited another moment before he explained, "I have no need for a bride, but when I do I shall take the opinions of my subjects very seriously."

It was then that a navy haired fae whose locks were streaked with silver stepped forth to stand beside the chosen one.

"My Rayne has been chosen to be queen by her people!" the woman snapped, and Asher saw the way the chosen woman flinched.

Rayne, so that is the name of this beautiful woman, Asher thought admiringly. The woman beside her continued to rant, but he could no longer hear her nor the people who were agreeing with whatever she was saying. He stared at Rayne, suddenly feeling as though he had dandelion fluff in his ears. Tunnel vision clamped his gaze upon her, and he felt as though she were suddenly the only one in the room. He did not miss the red blush of embarrassment that had begun to color her face.

Chapter 3 - Rayne

It was the most humiliating day of her life. Up to now, nobody had even realized she existed, and yet here she stood before half the Mystic Isle, sure it wouldn't be long before they told the other half that she’d been rejected by the king himself. What hope did she have of going back to her simple life now? None. Especially with the way her mother was ranting and raving, causing a scene that made Rayne want to disappear into the floor. If only the earth would open up and swallow her.

"Enough! Egwene, calm yourself!" the harsh tone of the elder shocked Rayne into lifting her head. She regretted it instantly. Everyone was staring at her. Even the king had his striking gaze fixed on her, and she quickly averted her gaze back to the floor. No matter how hard she tried, she could not rid herself of the sensation his gaze caused all over her body. Every inch of her skin was tingling.

She was so focused on that feeling, she barely registered when her mother fell utterly silent. In the next moment the elder stirred beside her once more and addressed the king directly, "Your Grace, with all due respect, I must insist that you honor the traditions of your people. This tradition offers benefits to all those involved."

Rayne felt the tension increase in her mother and knew that she was one of those most likely to benefit from such an arrangement. Going from a nameless citizen to the mother of the queen was quite the leap, even for someone as ambitious as her mother.

"I’m well aware of the benefits you speak of, and that is why I wish to make a counter offer," the king announced, and Rayne's heart stopped beating. Her breath caught in her throat, waiting for the king to make his suggestion. "Your chosen one will be afforded food and board within the palace upon one condition. I am in need of a governess for my daughter."

Rayne couldn't believe what she’d just heard. It was clear from the sudden clamor behind her that nobody else could believe it either.

"A governess! Are you mocking us?" Rayne's mother demanded and Rayne began to tap the ground discreetly with the heel of the shoes she’d been gifted by one of the village leaders, praying for the earth to swallow her. "My daughter is here to be queen and you offer her a position as governess to your bast…"

Rayne's heart leapt into her mouth. Had her mother utterly lost her mind? How could she possibly talk to the king in such a way?

Luckily one of the women who’d joined them to deliver Rayne to the court stepped forward and grabbed her mother's arm before she could finish what she’d been about to say.

"Perhaps it would be best if we discussed this without an audience?" Rayne heard the woman whispering into her mother's ear and she was glad that at least one person appeared to be using their brain.

"Who are you to speak to your king in such a manner?" a short fae in black and silver robes demanded from where he stood atop the dais. It was clear from his position in the room and the fine clothing he wore that he was a man of importance, though Rayne had no idea who he was. She barely recognized anyone in the room save for her mother. Right now, when she glanced down, she didn't even recognize herself. She felt like a prized piece of meat, all trussed up and ready for everyone to drool over hungrily, in her skin -tight, sheer gown that was little more than a slip of silk. The leaders of the village had spared no expense to ready her for her first meeting with the king, gifting her a silken gown, mildly uncomfortable shoes, even gold jewelry around her neck and wrists and dangling from her ears. Though on the outside she might’ve look like a princess, she certainly didn't feel like one. Beneath the fine material, her skin still felt filthy, even though she’d been scrubbed clean to within an inch of her skin being peeled away by once-soft sea sponges that had long ago gone brittle.

"Enough!" King Asher yelled at the top of his lungs. Everyone fell quiet. Even the man in black and silver robes had the good sense to purse his lips at the request of his king.

Rayne was both surprised and admiring as the king turned to her mother and offered her a gentle smile, "Egwene, is it?"

Rayne was relieved that her mother at least had the good sense to blush and avert her eyes respectfully now that the king was addressing her directly.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Rayne couldn't help but notice the disappointment she felt the moment the king's attention was stolen from her. Up to now, she’d felt his gaze upon her like burning hot fingertips caressing her cheeks. Now, she simply felt cold and unwanted, and she longed more than ever not to be there.

"I’m afraid, Egwene, at the moment a position as governess is all I can offer your daughter," the king announced. As if he saw her about to make another protest, he quickly continued, "But, I can also extend a courtesy to you as her mother. You shall be welcome to stay at the palace also for as long as your daughter is in my employ."