Nothing could’ve truly kept Asher away. He found himself standing in the stone circle atop the hill long before the ceremony was due to begin. As Rayne had requested, only their close family were in attendance upon the hill, while the rest of Asher's subjects awaited at the base to congratulate them once the ceremony was over.

His mother and father stood at the head of the audience with Egwene on the opposite side of the aisle. Being the only family Rayne had left, she looked quite lonely standing beside her maid. Asher knew the woman probably liked it that way. He could see her smiling as his brothers and their wives glanced in her direction, obviously musing over the family that would soon become their own.

I hope Rayne is ready to join such a large family, he thought, gazing at his mother and father, his brothers and their wives, all of their children. Though Blake and Drake had yet to marry, Asher already had five nephews and nieces belonging to his two eldest brothers. I wonder if we will add to their numbers.

The thought sent a thrill through him, reminding him that soon it would be his wedding night. But first, he had to get through the wedding itself.

When the music began to play, he knew Rayne had arrived. All conversation ceased and heads began to turn to look down the hill. The path that had been marked with wildflower bouquets and wreaths, all brought by the community to show their approval of the wedding, was made even more beautiful by the woman who now walked down it. A couple of maids hurried behind her, holding onto the train of her ivory dress. Asher couldn’t help but chuckle as he remembered the joke his fiancée had made when he’d inquired about her dress. She’d said, “All I can tell you is it will not be white, and we both know why that is, don’t we?”

There’d been teasing and desire in her gaze when she’d said the words, and it had taken all of Asher’s self-control not to take her there and then. They’d both agreed that they would not share each other’s bed again until they were married as a part of their pact to get to know each other better. Instead, they’d spent the last week preparing for their wedding and talking, getting to know each other, learning about each other’s past. The truth was, Asher had talked happily, well into the night with his fiancée by his side, unable to believe he could find one person quite so interesting. Yet she held his attention always, and she was doing just that right now, only it was not just his attention she held.

Rayne’s cheeks were blushing red with embarrassment and perhaps nerves as she swept up the aisle toward him. In her hands, she held a bouquet, not of roses or lilies, but of daisies. Many had tried to convince her they were nothing more than weeds, but she’d been determined, and Asher knew why. Daisies were one of the few memories she had of her childhood home before her father had been taken from her. She’d told him fondly of the daisy meadow back on their farm, where she and her father would play once his chores were finished for the day.

Asher wouldn’t have had it any other way. He was happy for the simple ceremony, and for her to have whatever she liked, because the truth was, he was happy as long as she was.

They were married beneath the setting sun, the priestess chosen to officiate, instructing them to kiss just as the final red rays of sunlight disappeared from the horizon. It was a most magical kiss that seemed to send shockwaves through Asher’s entire body, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the same shock written upon his bride’s face.

“Any regrets?” he whispered to her, holding onto both her hands even as their audience began to cheer. The noise carried down the hill, and soon even those at the bottom were cheering for them.

“Only one,” Rayne admitted, and Asher felt his heart clench with apprehension.

“What is it?”

“That my father couldn’t be here to witness how happy his daughter is,” she sighed, and Asher watched a tear roll down her cheek. Unable to hold himself back any longer, he took her into his arms and comforted her the only way he knew how, with a kiss.

“Your father will be with you always,” he assured her, brushing a strand of hair from her face, “and I can assure you he would be very proud of the young woman you’ve become in his absence.”

“Your Majesties, your subjects are awaiting you,” the priestess urged them, and Asher felt Rayne quiver in his arms.

“I’ll never get used to that,” she whispered in his ear, and with a smile he nodded in agreement before turning to face their family to begin their walk down the hill toward the people who’d made all of this possible.

The first to congratulate them at the bottom of the hill was the elder herself, helped along by the young girl who’d been with her upon their first meeting in the throne room. She gifted them both with a blessing, pressing her thumb to each of their foreheads before wishing them the best for their future together. Asher watched his bride happily as she thanked everyone for coming, knowing just from looking at the way she acted around them that she would make a perfect queen. Kind, gentle and just, she was everything the Mystic Isle needed, everything he needed. I couldn’t have picked better myself, he realized.

Suddenly, small arms wrapped around Asher’s legs, causing him to almost topple right over. If not for Rayne’s hand clasped in his, he might not have been able to steady himself.

“Careful, Elia, we don’t want any accidents today,” Rayne said softly. She’d dropped into a crouch in front of the princess before Asher could even react.

“Does this mean you’re my mom now?” Elia asked, ignoring Rayne’s warning. For a moment, Asher was fearful she did not want the same answer they did, but then he saw the excitement flaring in his daughter’s eyes. For so long, she’d been without a mother. It was only right that she would have one now.

Rayne glanced up at him with a questioning expression and he simply nodded, hoping she would understand his meaning.

“Only if you want me to be,” Rayne responded, turning her full attention back to the princess.

“I’d happily play toddler if she were my mother,” came a whispered comment from behind Asher, and he glared over his shoulder at Blake. Usually, he found the twins’ crude jokes amusing, but not today, not when they were aimed at his wife. As if he sensed his mistake, Blake at least had the decency to avert his gaze from the beautiful woman.

“I’ve always wanted a mom,” Elia’s response caused Asher’s attention to be pulled away from his brothers. He was just in time to see Elia throw her arms around Rayne’s neck.

Chapter 21 - Rayne

Their wedding day was quite possibly the happiest of Rayne’s life, but their wedding night was even better. She was quite sure she would never forget it.

“Do you have any more regrets?” her husband asked the moment they were alone. It seemed as if years had passed since they’d tied the knot, and yet it’d only been a few hours ago. They’d been stuck thanking everybody for coming and keeping up appearances at their wedding reception until the masses had been satisfied. It had only been when one of Asher’s brothers had jokingly mentioned the consummation of the marriage that Asher had prevailed upon the chance to whisk her away. Rayne had been mighty pleased that she’d had the good sense to have Elia taken to bed by one of the maids half an hour earlier when the princess had begun to look exhausted, her head practically lolling on her neck as she tried in vain to keep her eyes open so as not to miss anything.

“Just one,” Rayne responded in the same way she had upon the hill, and she watched her husband’s eyes widen with alarm. Almost purring with happiness, she pushed herself up onto her tiptoes and gently brushed her lips against his before whispering into his ear, “Just that we didn’t sneak away earlier.”

That appeared to break some kind of spell on the king, and he lashed out to grab her so quickly that she squealed with surprise. His hands cupped her buttocks in such a way that it made her weak at the knees, and the instant he kissed her, she knew exactly what she was in for.

She’d been waiting a long time to fall into his bed once more, and for the first time she felt no doubt in her mind that it was the right thing to do.