The king made no attempt to say a word, though Rayne could feel his eyes burning into her face. She kept her eyes shut tightly, unable to bring herself to look at him for fear of what he might do to her. She couldn't bear the thought that he would pass judgement on her now.

"Rayne?" His voice was soft and soothing. She felt her feet graze the ground as he brought them back down. She could feel the breeze whipped up by his magnificent wings, but still, she could not bring herself to open her eyes. "Please, look at me, Rayne."

Though his voice was urging, she couldn't bring herself to look until she felt gentle fingertips beneath her chin and heard him whisper, "I didn’t mean to frighten you. You’re safe here with me."

Shock caused her eyes to flutter open, and she found him gazing down at her with a brilliant smile upon his handsome face.

"But I... I’ve broken one of the fae’s most ancient rules!" she protested, her fingers tightening on his waistcoat, fearful that whatever spell had overcome him would be broken the moment she pulled away and she would be handcuffed and dragged away to the dungeons.

"Rayne, that rule does not apply to royals and the consorts of royals," the king announced, his voice filled with amusement.

"But I... I'm not either."

"Then allow me to change that," Asher insisted, and before Rayne realized what was happening, he dropped down onto his knees before her. Her heart practically leapt into her mouth, and she gaped down at him, unable to believe what he was doing.

"Your Grace, what are you…" she began, unable to bring herself to question the man who could change her future in the blink of an eye. One way or another, she knew her life would change forever. If she rejected what he was about to do, would he lock her up for crimes against the crown?

Fear threatened to overwhelm her, but then excitement almost swept her off her feet. Realization hit her like a ton of bricks. There was no reason for her to reject him now. She’d made herself a promise earlier that evening that they would start over, and that was exactly what she intended to do.

Her entire body tingled with excitement as the king reached up with one hand to take hold of her fingers. With his free hand, he reached into his breast pocket and produced a large velvet ring box. At least, Rayne hoped it was a ring box. She might appear utterly stupid if she were weeping over a set of earrings.

Holding her breath in an attempt to regain control of herself, she gazed down at Asher, unable to break the silence. He released her hand for only a moment to flick the box open before taking her hand again. When he held the box up, Rayne saw a strikingly beautiful ring inside. It sat on a bed of black velvet, shining with iridescence in the lantern light. The opal sitting upon a silver band of interwoven vines was so similar to the dress she was wearing, she couldn't help but feel as though fate had intervened between them yet again. It shone with green, purple, and pink as it trembled in the king's hand.

"Rayne, I know I vowed we would start over and get to know each other, but I don’t think I can bear another moment without knowing," the king stated. His eyes were round with fear, and she could feel his hand trembling with nerves around her fingers. It was clear that he felt exactly the way she did, terrified and excited in equal measure. "Will you do me the honor of becoming my queen?"

His question struck her like a lightning bolt. Although she’d been attempting to prepare herself for it, nothing could’ve. Growing weak at the knees, she opened her mouth to respond, but found that her throat had gone entirely too dry to get a word out.

Instead, she quickly began to nod, hoping he would see the sheer joy upon her face that had left her speechless. Suddenly, it didn't matter that he’d rejected her the first time they met. This night has been much more magical than that day ever could’ve been, she realized. Perhaps it had been fated to happen this way. Maybe all their heartache had been a test. Fate had a funny way of determining those worthy of its favor. That was clear enough.

"Please, Rayne, I must hear you say it," Asher urged her, though his eyes were already brimming with his own joyful tears. He squeezed her fingertips almost to the point of discomfort, and she knew he was having a hard time containing himself.

"Yes, Your Grace, I’ll marry you."

What happened next came in a whirlwind. As if they’d been watching all along, the musicians suddenly began to play a joyous song of celebration. The king slipped the ring onto Rayne's finger and in an instant was back on his feet, whipping her up into his arms to spin her round and around.

When he placed her back on her feet, she was so dizzy, all she could do was lean into his chest, her face raised to his for a passionate kiss.

Chapter 20 - Asher

"Well, never in a million years did I think I would see the day!" Asher recognized the voice even before he turned to find his twin brothers barging into his bedchambers.

It was the morning of his wedding day, and he’d been fearful that his family wouldn't make it in time. Yet here they were. Blake and Drake were the last to arrive. His eldest brothers, Theo and Ember had arrived during the night and were likely still sleeping off their late-night journey to the palace from the docks. His parents had also arrived the night before, while he and his fiancée had been dining together before separating for the night. My fiancée. Asher still couldn't get used to that. It’d been little over a week since he’d proposed, and yet now here he was, making his final preparations to meet Rayne at the top of the hill just outside the palace where every subject of the Mystic Isle would be able to witness their wedding.

The term nervous didn't quite cut it. He was relieved that the final members of his family had arrived to take his mind off it a little.

"Our little brother, about to take the final steps into kinghood," Drake laughed, clapping Asher on the shoulder.

"I know, brother," Blake agreed. "Who would’ve thought he would make it there before us?"

Though he was feigning disappointment, Asher knew well neither Blake nor Drake were in any rush to marry. Being twins, they’d always had each other’s backs much more than their other brothers, and they didn’t appear to be in need of a partner quite as much as other kings.

"Maybe if you weren't so busy drinking and whoring together, you might make it down the aisle yourselves," Asher chuckled, and both the twins threw their heads back laughing.

"It would have to be one magical woman to get either of us interested," Drake laughed.

"Well, we are on the Mystic Isle. You don't happen to know of any magical women, do you, brother?" Blake added, wiggling an eyebrow playfully at their youngest brother. Asher simply rolled his eyes at his brothers and urged them back toward the door.

"Out with you both, or you'll distract me into missing my own wedding!"