“I…I want to,” she finally admitted, not just to him, but to herself. Unable to bear the turmoil boiling inside her, she closed her eyes and held her breath, waiting for the king’s response. For several moments there was nothing but silence, and Rayne was forced to hold her breath, scared she might break it and ruin everything all over again.

Then the king announced, “Then we will start over.”

His words caused her to open her eyes again and when she looked at him, she found he was holding out his hand to her.

“Miss Rayne, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he stated as if he saw the dumbfounded expression on her face. “Allow me to welcome you to palace as my honored guest.”

Rayne was so weak at the knees, she felt as though she might fall over at any moment. All she could do was reach for the king’s hand. His grip was firm on her hand, and it seemed to be the only thing holding her up. Her flesh tingled where it met his, and she was even more surprised when he dipped his head to kiss her knuckles.

“I’m pleased that fate has drawn us together,” he told her even as he straightened up, and Rayne was relieved that he did not immediately release her hand.

“I am too, Your Grace,” she admitted, hoping her face did not betray her embarrassment at pretending it was their first meeting.

“Will you join me for dinner this evening?” he asked. “I have a surprise I wish to give you.”

“I…” Rayne began. She’d grown so used to denying his advances, it almost came instinctively now. Remembering the promise she’d just made him,, she quickly shook herself mentally and responded, “I would be happy to join you for dinner, my lord.”

Again, he kissed her knuckles, and when he looked up once more, she could see desire and longing burning in the depths of his eyes.

“Until this evening, my lady.”

With a bow, he released her hand and swept from the room before she had a chance to say a word or begin to change her mind.

The sound of applause erupted almost the instant the king was gone. Rayne gritted her teeth knowing all too well it was coming from the bedroom behind her. No doubt, her mother had just heard their entire conversation.

“Well, I never,” she exclaimed as she swept back the drapes and came to stand beside her daughter. “I do believe the student has surpassed the master. I couldn’t have handled that better myself.”

Bile rose in the back of Rayne’s throat at the thought of her mother being anywhere near the king. No matter what happened now, Rayne was sure she would never allow her mother to be left alone with him. She could never put it past her not to try and steal him. It wouldn’t be the first time her mother had tried something similar. She’d always been desperate for the attention of men, especially those who seemed to take a liking to her daughter.

Please don’t let me be like her when I have children of my own, Rayne thought grimly before realizing with surprise that it was the first time she’d ever really thought of having children. She’d thought of it only a few times before, only ever telling herself it wasn’t possible. She’d been determined not to bring children into the same life she’d led, and yet now she could see a totally different life being laid out before her. Her entire future was being laid on the line. If she messed up her dinner with the king, she could kiss her life at the palace goodbye. She was sure of it.

“We must get you ready,” her mother announced, grabbing her by the wrist and whisking her back into the bedroom.

“I have to go and get Elia ready for bed,” Rayne protested. The last thing she wanted was to have her mother fussing over her just as she had before the choosing ritual. It’d been bad enough then when they had fewer resources. Now her mother had an entire servant team at her beck and call along with all the same resources that were afforded to the ladies at court. For Rayne, just imagining that was a fate worse than death.

“Nonsense! The king and her handmaids can see to that tonight,” her mother insisted, and from the tone of her voice Rayne knew she had no hope of fighting her on it. There was no way in hell her mother was going to let her out of that room until she was satisfied.

Chapter 18 - Asher

Only half relieved by the change between himself and Rayne, Asher found himself once more pacing up and down the gardens. He was glad he hadn't had the dining table, dance floor and lanterns all taken down. It would’ve been a shame to have wasted them only to have the servants put it all back up again.

"How do I look, Paxton?" he asked, holding out his arms for his advisor to get a good look at him. He felt silly for asking, but it was possibly the very first time he’d actually cared about his appearance being perfect. Nothing can spoil this night, he vowed to himself, trying not to think of the fact that Rayne hadn't turned up for Elia's usual bedtime story. He was trying not to read too much into it, hoping the guards were right when they said she hadn't been seen fleeing the palace.

Paxton stood by the stone wall, nodding and looking as though he were about to say something to calm his king's nerves, when they both paused at the sound of footsteps on the shingle path behind Asher.

Paxton looked over his king's shoulder and the moment his eyes widened, Asher was sure what he would see. He steeled himself for it, already able to smell the sweet scent of her wafting all around him.

Still holding his breath, he turned and found himself almost knocked right off his feet. Rayne was even more beautiful than he’d been prepared for. She’d switched her usual plain governess uniform for a gown fit for a queen. The silken material was a silver-grey that danced with the pearlescence of purple, pink and green whenever she moved this way or that. Her midnight blue hair sparkled with diamonds, reminding Asher of the darkening sky above their heads. When she curtseyed, the lantern light caught her blue eyes, causing them to glow brilliantly. The sight of them caused Asher's heart to beat faster.

"Lady Rayne," Asher greeted her instinctively with a flourish of his arm as he bowed low to the ground. When he straightened up again, he could see the surprise written clearly upon her creamy porcelain face. "What’s the matter?"

"I... I am not a lady," she pointed out, and Asher could sense from her voice that she was trembling as badly as he was. Determined to comfort her, and unwilling to allow her to remain nervous, he swept across the distance that separated them and took her hands in his.

"You became a lady the moment you chose the winning stone," he assured her. "It is an honor given to all those who win the ritual."

Rayne's cheeks blushed, and for a moment, Asher was fearful she might try to snatch her hands away from his. Instead, she squeezed his fingers gently and urged, "I would rather just be Rayne."

"With me, you may be whomever you like," Asher assured her. His fingers itched to touch her further, and so he contented himself with stroking a stray curl from her face. When she sucked in a breath and closed her eyes, leaning into his hand, Asher cupped her cheek with his palm. The warmth of her flesh against his was enough to make his entire body sizzle with desire.