At first, Elia made no move to do as the governess instructed, but when Asher stepped into the room and dropped down into a crouch, his daughter rushed to him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I'm sorry, Papa," she whispered into his ear in her small, sweet voice that made his heart clench. "I didn't mean to worry you."

Asher stroked her hair for a few moments and kissed the side of her head before he pulled her back to get a good look at her.

Seeing that she appeared unharmed, he asked, "What were you thinking running off like that?"

The little girl's eyes darkened with fear and tears began to form. Asher could feel her shivering in his arms again, though he wasn't sure if it was from cold or fear.

"While you were talking to your advisor, the princess told me she ran away because she thought you didn't love her anymore," Rayne answered for her. It was clear from the tightness of her voice she was having a hard time getting the words out.

"Oh, Elia!" Asher exclaimed and pulled his daughter back into his arms. Cupping the back of her small head, he stroked her hair once more and picked her up into his arms with one arm around her. Squeezing her firmly but carefully, he added, "Nothing in the world could ever stop me from loving you."

"But...but you didn't come to say goodnight," Elia whimpered. Asher could tell without even looking at her that her lower lip was quivering.

Guilt threatened to overwhelm Asher once more and he took a moment to carry her to her bed before he responded. Lowering her down onto the mattress where Rayne had already pulled back the covers, he released the princess and gazed down at her as he told her, "Sweetheart, I won't always be able to come and tuck you in at night, but I will always love you."

"But you tuck me in every night," Elia protested, and Asher's heart cracked just a little more. He found himself glancing at Rayne for support, but the governess had her head lowered as if she were trying not to intrude upon their private moment.

As if she could sense his discomfort, Rayne lifted her head and offered him a sympathetic smile, making her way toward the bed once more to perch on the edge. She reached for Elia's hand and explained, "Princess Elia. Although our parents can't always be with us in the physical world, they are always with us in here."

She reached out her free hand and pointed at Elia's chest, right where her heart would be.

"In our chest?" Elia looked confused, her brow wrinkling. Asher couldn't stop himself from laughing and it was clear Rayne was having a hard time keeping from laughing too.

"No, sweetheart, in our hearts," Rayne explained. The conversation continued much in the same way, yet Asher barely heard it. He gazed at the two people before him, suddenly feeling his heart swell to twice its usual size. There was something about the way they were acting, something familiar about this scene, something that made him think of home. He imagined lying in bed as a young fae with his mother and father sitting on either side of his bed, come to tuck him in at night, and a sudden realization hit him. These two fae, Elia and Rayne, were his family.

In that instant he knew, no matter what happened, he had to fix the rift he’d made between himself and the beautiful governess. But how? he asked himself, suddenly fearful that the damage he’d caused might be unfixable.

As Rayne began to read a bedtime story, Asher realized all over again that he had been wrong to reject her. If he’d only accepted the traditions of his kingdom, he might not be stuck in this mess right now.

I should’ve learned from my brother's experiences, Asher thought hopelessly. Maybe if he’d believed more in fate and less in freewill, he might be happy right now, and Rayne might already be his.

With a barely suppressed sigh, Asher settled down onto the bed beside his daughter and tried to focus on her, his hand resting on her leg as she began to drift off to sleep.

Chapter 13 - Rayne

It was almost early afternoon when Rayne realized she’d fallen asleep in the chair she’d taken beside Elia's bed to read her a bedtime story. A breeze had swept through the open window, pushing open the drapes to let in the bright sunshine, and Rayne had to squint until her eyes adjusted. As she stretched, she became aware of something constricting wrapped around her, and when she glanced down, she saw a blanket had been laid over her.

How did that get there? she asked herself, untangling her arms from the soft material. Her movement seemed to cause a groan on the bed beside her and she looked up, stunned to see it was not only Elia who laid upon the bed. Wrapped around her like a giant teddy bear was the king himself, one arm slipped under her as if he were her pillow.

The sight warmed Rayne's heart, though she couldn't help but wonder how the king had come to fall asleep in such a manner. She would’ve expected him to sneak off to his own quarters, even if she herself had fallen asleep in the armchair.

Well, it looks like it's my turn to sneak out, she thought, delicately pushing herself to her feet. Holding her breath, barely able to take her eyes off the bed and the handsome man sleeping there, she began to creep towards the door. She told herself she watched him because she didn't want to wake him, but the truth was much simpler than that. She couldn't take her eyes off him because she wanted to capture the scene before her and commit it to memory. Without the sternness of the waking world, the king's face was relaxed and unwrinkled by worry lines. Though his eyes were closed, Rayne could see his eyelids moving ever so slightly as though he were dreaming. Every so often, one of his wings would flicker and Rayne would pause in her progress across the room just to be sure she hadn't woken him.

Beside him, Elia slept like a little fae angel, her face barely visible as it was tucked against her father's chest, her arm wrapped possessively around him. Rayne hoped when she looked back on this memory, she wouldn’t forget a single thing. In that moment, she felt more happiness and ease than she’d felt in her entire life.

She’d just barely made it to the door, about to reach for the handle, when the king's eyes suddenly fluttered open.

Damn! Rayne thought silently. As if she’d cursed out loud, the king's face whipped around to face her. Elia only grumbled with irritation before she rolled over, leaving the king's arm free for him to rise from the bed.

Rayne gulped, frozen to the spot as Asher slipped off the bed and came to stand before her.

"Where are you sneaking off to?" he asked, his voice no more than a hoarse whisper.

"I wasn't sneaking off," Rayne objected, biting her lip in irritation as she realized she’d spoken much louder than she’d intended. "I was trying not to wake you."

Asher's eyebrow raised. His satisfied expression told her he was more than a little pleased he’d been able to get such a reaction out of her.