It was just before dawn when the king finally seemed to run out of steam. He dropped down onto a bench overlooking the courtyard as the horizon began to lighten. He sat with his head in his hands, his body trembling so badly, Rayne couldn’t control herself any longer. She dropped down onto the seat beside him and rested a hand upon his shoulder.

"We will find her, Your Grace," she said, hoping her voice did not betray the hopelessness that was clawing ruthlessly at her insides.

For a moment, the king made no attempt to respond. Then, he lifted his head from his hands and glanced at her from the corner of his eye. Rayne had to bite back a gasp of shock at the red rimming his eyes. Tears were pricking at the corners of his eyelids, and she could tell from the strain of his jaw that he was using all his self-control not to let them fall.

"What if she’s no longer in the palace?" he asked her. "What if she’s made it out into the woods? There are hundreds of dangers out there too vile to imagine."

Rayne struggled not to think about it. She’d been trying to keep those kinds of thoughts out of her mind all night. The thought that Elia had somehow escaped the palace and made it into the woods with the werewolves, drakes, shapeshifters, pixies and fae gods knew what else, made her want to curl into a ball and weep. A small child could be easily ripped apart by any one of those heinous creatures. Stories had been told in her village of young children disappearing from the world, all last seen on the edge of the very wood that surrounded the palace. She didn't bear thinking about.

"A three-year-old can't possibly have gotten past all of your guards, let alone the castle walls," Rayne insisted, hoping with all her might she was right. "The gates are closed at dusk to protect us from all those creatures."

She knew that well enough. Even her own village had taken measures to be sure all were safe from the things that went bump in the night. The palace was much better guarded than any criminal settlement could ever be. They had to believe everything would be alright, or what else did they have?

With a deep sigh, Asher seemed to deflate, and Rayne was surprised when he reached an arm around her, pulling her into his embrace.

"I don't know what I would do right now without you by my side," he whispered, burying his face into her hair. She heard him inhale as if he were taking strength from the scent of her.

"I’m not going anywhere," she promised instinctively, feeling as though it was exactly what he needed to hear in that moment.

"Rayne?" His voice was soft as silk and so quiet, if she hadn't been so close to him, she might not have heard it. His tone caused her to pull back immediately, and when she did, his hand cupped her face. Their gazes locked instantly, and Rayne's breath caught in her throat. The emotion burning in his eyes was almost enough to scorch her. She opened her lips, preparing to beg him not to say a word, but she didn’t get the chance.

"Your Majesty!" Paxton's call caused them both to jump, and Rayne's wings fluttered with anxiety as they both drew to their feet. "Your Majesty!"

The advisor was breathless, hurrying down the corridor as though the hounds of hell were on his heels.

"They've found her, Your Majesty!" the advisor said as he skidded to a halt before them. Rayne's heart soared with relief and she almost dropped to her knees. The only thing that had been keeping her on her feet for so long had been worry, and now that it was retreating, she felt like she might collapse at any moment. Weak at the knees, she reached for Asher to find that he was already reaching for her in return.

"Thank the gods!" she gasped as he gripped her in his arms.

"Where is she?" Asher demanded, his grip tightening on Rayne as if he were scared to believe his daughter could possibly be safe after all they’d been through.

As if in answer, footsteps sounded down the corridor, and Rayne and Asher turned their attention just in time to see a couple of guards escorting a maid around the corner. In her arms, wrapped in a silken blanket, was the princess.

"Oh, Elia!" Asher exclaimed. It was then that he released Rayne and began to rush down the hallway. Nothing could’ve stopped her feet from moving then, and Rayne hurried after him. "You’re safe. I'm so glad you’re safe."

The king held out his arms to take hold of his daughter, but when the little girl unwrapped her arms from the neck of the maid it was not her father she reached for.

Rayne's heart sank to see the disappointed look on the king's face as Elia reached instead for her. Seeing the little girl was shivering and in need of comfort, Rayne didn’t hesitate in taking the little girl from the maid. In the process, she offered the king an apologetic glance over the princess's shoulder, hoping he wouldn't take it to heart.

Chapter 12 - Asher

After so many years of it being just the two of them, Asher was shocked and a little stung when his daughter reached instead for the safety of her governess's arms. Trying not to take it personally, he watched Rayne cradle the little girl in her warm embrace, and the emotions that swelled up inside him once more made him more determined than ever to change things between them.

"Oh, princess, you’re freezing!" Rayne exclaimed. Asher didn't need to touch his daughter to know she was cold. He could visibly see her shivering, even beneath the blanket Rayne pulled tightly around her. "Let's get you to the nursery."

The governess glanced back at the king as if awaiting his permission before following through with her words. Asher gave a simple nod and watched them go.

"Where was she found?" Asher asked Paxton without taking his eyes off the two most precious people in his life. "Who found her?"

"The gardener found her, Your Grace," Paxton explained, his head dipped, eyes averted. "She was found in the rose bushes beside one of the fountains in the lower courtyard."

"Give the gardener a purse of gold," Asher instructed, and everyone else who aided in the search is to have a silver for their trouble."

"Yes, of course, Your Majesty," Paxton nodded and scurried away to do as his king had instructed. It was a good thing he did because Asher was in no mood for anything else the advisor might have to say. All he wanted to do was make sure his daughter and Rayne were okay, and then he would happily sleep for a week.

Fresh dawn light was filtering through the windows when he entered the nursery to find that Rayne was just pulling a fresh nightgown over the princess's head. The bowl of murky water close by suggested she’d already scrubbed Elia clean.

"Give your father a kiss," Rayne instructed gently with a nudge to the princess's shoulder. "You must apologize for giving him such a fright. He’s been awfully worried about you."