“You know, I would hate to see the Summer Isle without a queen,” Delilah announced when he said nothing. “How would you cope with your subjects constantly questioning how their monarchy can survive?”

But Theo was barely listening to her. He was too busy thinking. Charging around the desk, he brought himself nose to nose with Lady Delilah. “What did you do to her?”

“To who?” Delilah responded. Though she acted sweet and innocent she could not hide the malicious undertone to her voice, a tone that Theo had learned to pick up on a long time ago. As the son of a king he had been born into court life and had been forced to learn the tricks of the trade from an early age, even teaching his younger brothers to do the same.

Now he could see right through Delilah, through her outer beauty, to the ugliness she held inside. It writhed just beneath the surface, constantly looking for some way to gain an advantage, for some way to bring her closer to whatever it was that she wanted.

“Oh, King Theo, why would I do anything to her?” she asked and Theo struggled not to give any reaction when she reached up and placed her palm against his chest. “She is nothing to me. I would not waste the energy.”

We both know that you are lying. Theo thought, reminding himself that for this whole time it had been Delilah who stood between him and the one that he loved. Fleur’s good nature and loyalty to her mistress had been the biggest obstacle ever since that night down by the lake. It had to have been you!

Unable to control himself any longer, Theo grabbed hold of Delilah’s upper arms. He shoved her backwards so that she could no longer touch him but did not release her arms. He did not ease off or become gentle as he had done with Fleur. Instead, he gripped tightly until he was sure that he must have been causing her pain. Her silver wings began to flutter ever so slightly behind her shoulders and Theo knew for certain that he was hurting her. She was much too noble, much too used to hiding her weakness and so he squeezed just a little harder until he saw her grimace before demanding, “What did you do with her? What did you say to her?”

“Your Grace, you are hurting me,” Delilah whispered through gritted teeth but Theo did not ease off his grip.

“Tell me,” he demanded instead.

“I...I only pointed out what a fool she had been,” Delilah admitted, her voice beginning to tremble. She had clearly noticed the kind of danger she had put herself in, alone with a king. “I reminded her she is not the first young maid to have made it into your bed.”

Anger flared inside Theo then and he knew that if he did not take his hands off her, he might do something he would regret. Shoving a little harder than necessary, he sent her reeling toward the nearest armchair. She was forced down into the seat, her blue eyes widening with astonishment.

“You can’t honestly tell me you are upset,” she demanded. “The way I see it, I have done you a favor, My Lord.”

“A favor?” Theo scoffed, unable to believe what he was hearing. “How can you possibly be doing me a favor by sending her away?”

When he glanced at her, she was smiling back at him. It wasn’t at all the expression he would have expected from a woman who had just been manhandled. Then again, Delilah was no ordinary woman. She was a noble and nobles very rarely showed their feelings, if they had any at all. They put on a mask for all court dealings, ensuring that they never appeared weak. In that moment nothing about Delilah appeared weak. She appeared quite in control, a little too in control for Theo’s liking.

“I have removed the only obstacle between us. A marriage alliance with my family will make you almost as powerful as your father,” Delilah reeled off. “I am willing to overlook all other affairs. Just not her.”

Theo laughed like he’d never laughed before.

“You don’t get it, do you? I could not deny the power behind the kiss of fated mates any more than I could stop myself from breathing my last breath when my time comes,” he said, feeling the weight of truth in his words.

As if she had seen the expression on his face, Delilah threw back her head and laughed. “You can’t seriously tell me you believe in those fairytales? I mean, come on, fated mates? Those are stories for children!”

“Are you calling your king a liar?” Theo bellowed.

Delilah at least had the good sense to avert her eyes and look embarrassed.

“No, not at all, My Lord.” She shook her head, appearing humble. “I just do not wish for you to be treated like a fool. Obviously Fleur was much more clever than we gave her credit for and she has managed to trick you somehow.”

Before Theo could say anything, she stood and crossed the room to stand before him. Theo gritted his teeth, determined not to react again as she placed both palms on his chest.

“Who is to say that if we kissed, you wouldn’t feel this spark too?” she suggested and Theo’s stomach twisted. “Who is to say that we are not fated mates and the marriage arrangements between our families were fated tricks to bring us together?”

Theo grabbed hold of Delilah’s wrists and began to push her away.

“It is rarely that simple.” He shook his head.

“Then kiss me and be sure,” Delilah suggested. She did not wait for his reaction. Instead, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back.

If a kiss is what it takes to get her out of my life, then so be it.

He leaned down and forced his lips against hers, already knowing that what she wanted to happen would not.

Afterwards, Delilah stepped back with a deep sigh. “See, was that not a passionate kiss?”

Unsure what he could say without insulting her, he remained silent and simply shook his head. Her eyes widened, rounding with disgust.