"I do not care for another companion," Delilah snapped and she looked as if she was half-way to slamming her fist down on the table before she caught herself. Clearing her throat she pushed her chair backwards and turned to look at him. "May I be excused, My Lord?"

The way she said the final words was almost mocking and Theo had to clench his jaw to stop himself from reacting.

"You may." He nodded. Delilah rose to her feet and her household instantly began to move, leaving their own unfinished breakfasts.

Before she could leave the table, Theo added just loudly enough for her ears only, "You may have her back when I am finished with her."

Maybe never, the little voice in the back of his head chirped.

Delilah glowered at him with ice blue eyes before making a show of curtseying. She swept from the room, her servants tripping over themselves to follow.

"Maximus," Theo summoned the man from where he always stood close to his shoulder. He gestured him down so that he could whisper into his ear, "I no longer find Lady Delilah agreeable. Do what you must to have these arrangements put to an end."

He heard Maximus suck in breath to speak. Then as if he had seen the angry, brooding look on his lord's face, he seemed to think better of it and instead nodded before rising back to standing.

Once more Theo sat brooding until his public appearance at breakfast was over.


With every step he took up the tower steps, Theo felt his heartbeat quickening. The higher he climbed, the more his wings began to itch and soon he was fluttering upwards, bypassing the steps to fly straight up the center of the tower.

The guards that stood on either side of her doorway lowered their eyes as he appeared before them, averting their gazes as though they knew better than to get curious as to why their king was visiting a no name servant he had placed at the top of the North Tower.

The only indication that they gave that they had noticed his presence was when the guard on his left silently reached for the doorknob to allow him inside.

Theo knocked on the doorframe before entering to find Fleur sitting across the room on the large window seat that had been built into one of the balcony archways.

She, unlike the guards, gave no indication as to whether or not she had heard his knocking. Even when he cleared his throat, she remained still, gazing out over the beautiful rolling hills.

Irritation clutched Theo for only a moment before the sight of her beauty swept it away again. Just able to see the profile of her beautiful, heart shaped face, Theo felt as though he was gazing upon an angel. Her hair had been turned to auburn gold by a striking beam of sunlight, her orange and brown wings turned translucent by the same rays. The silken robe she wore did little to hide her perky breasts or hips as she lounged with her legs up, the robe falling to her thighs to reveal smooth, creamy legs and bare feet.

It wasn't until he noticed the tray of uneaten food that sat on the table beside her that the spell of her beauty was broken.

"You haven't touched the breakfast I had sent up for you," he grumbled, half-angry and half-worried.

It was then that Fleur finally turned to look at him. Her pale face glowed radiantly in the sunshine but her chocolate irises darkened as she said, "I refuse to allow a single bite of food past my lips until you release me."

A hunger strike? Theo thought in disbelief. His worry turned to instant temper as he began to think out loud. "I have given you everything. A beautiful room fit for a queen, a magnificent view, your own servants and guards to keep you safe…"

"Guards to keep me locked in," Fleur corrected him and there was no hint of the demure, fragile girl who had been frightened to look at him the day before. In that moment she was all woman, determined and with her own mind. Theo wasn't sure whether to desire her or yell at her and so he simply remained silent, glaring at her.

"What is it that you want from me, King Theo?" she demanded. She flicked her legs delicately off the edge of the window seat and moved to stand. "Why am I here? How am I to agree to anything when I have no idea why I am here or what you want from me?"

Frustration clawed at Theo's stomach. Deep down he knew that she was right. For just a moment he allowed himself to imagine what might happen if he were to tell her that he was in the process of calling off the arrangements between himself and Lady Delilah. Would she finally agree to be his? Would he ever be free to choose her above all others? Would she believe he was simply telling her what she wanted to hear to get what he wanted?

Deciding it was better to wait until he had all the answers and more frustrated than ever, he glowered at Fleur and snapped, "You will eat. My cooks have been instructed to make all your meals especially for you. I will not have their hard work disrespected."

Fleur flinched though Theo wasn't sure whether it was his pointing out the feelings of his cooks or whether he had scared her. Either way, he would not give her the opportunity to make any kind of argument.

Instead, he quickly added, "Also, you will remain here in the tower until I am convinced of your safety."

"My...my safety?" she asked but Theo had already turned and was making his way out of the room before she could ask anything else.

A part of him longed to stay but he knew it would do no good until she finally relaxed and accepted him.

She is my fated mate, he reminded himself. She has to accept me.

Chapter 8 - Fleur