Page 93 of Fireworks

Waiting for the message to show she read it, I called her.

Ring,ring, voicemail.Ring,ring, voicemail.

This was ridiculous. I wasn’t in the mood to play childish games with her.

Nate: don’t make me drive all the way to you just to make you talk

Katie: don’t bother. Not home. Talk later.

Nate: Where are you?

It had been two hours. I had grabbed my keys a dozen times, ready to drive to her parents’ house and ask where she was. I knew that would be extremely suspicious. Going all caveman, where is my woman, would not go unnoticed. There was nothing I could do but sit and wait for her to talk to me. She had the upper hand. I hated it.

Sam and Nolan were sitting at opposite ends of the couch watching some new series they had agreed on. Slumping into the armchair, a beer in hand, I joined them, unsure what else I could do with myself.

“Sorry, I answered your phone. It was a mistake.”

I must have looked like hell to get an apology for something so quickly. Running my fingers through my hair, I shrugged. There wasn’t much that could be done about it now.