Page 79 of Fireworks

Chapter Twenty Six




Exhaustion had crept into my entire body as I toppled into my bed. My final exam was done. I was ready to declare that my freshman year of college was done. It wasn’t easy, but I made it through to the other side alive. Ryder would be back any minute too, and I knew her sentiments would be the same.

Although we both weren’t huge fans of the campus parties, there was a good chance we would be going out tonight to celebrate. Paul had been coming by almost every day and already invited the both of us to the party at his frat house. He reminded us multiple times how epic it was going to be and that we just had to come and be a part of it.

The door swung open, catching my attention immediately.

“Finally done!”

Ryder exclaimed, rushing onto my bed, and jumping on top of me.

“We did it. We aren’t freshmen anymore! Can you believe it? Guess what? I have even better news!”

As she rolled off me, I sat up in the bed wondering what could be better than it being summer vacation.


Her smile was reaching from ear to ear as she went over to her dresser, fishing through it for something.

“My dad called me this morning and so long as I kept my grades above what I had last semester, he agreed he would pay for an apartment, so I didn’t have to keep getting distracted by the parties on our floor.”

I looked at her quizzically.

“What parties? There was like one the whole time we were here. The third floor was way crazier.”

“He doesn’t know that.”

Letting out a diabolical laugh as she smirked.

“I may have told him it was so hard to study because everyone was so insane in the dorms. Since he wants me to do well, he said I could bring one roommate so long as it’s a girl and was going to help me keep my grades up. So, do you have plans next year for your housing?”

Jumping from the bed, I rushed across the room at her, hugging her tightly spinning in a circle.

“Have I ever told you that you’re my favorite roommate in the entire world?”

Our sophomore year was going to be so much more fun if we didn’t have an RA in our business all the time.

After getting ready and switching outfits three times, we were both ready to head out to what was being labeled as the best end-of-the-semester party on the whole campus. By the time we set foot on the front walkway of the fraternity, the party was in full swing. The plan wasn’t to say for long, just enough to me to say I was there and had a blast if anyone asked. Red cups were already scattered on the front steps as we made our way in.

“I’m going to find Paul. You okay on your own?”

Ryder could sense my hesitation when she mentioned I should join her tonight. Being a good friend, I didn’t want her to have to walk in alone. I knew there was a possibility that I would run into Brandon. Both he and Paul were members of this house, but I was hoping to avoid him at all costs.

What I hadn’t expected was for him to look like hell when I laid eyes on him. His once shaven face was now covered in stubble. As he brought a beer to his lips, he swayed in place, already unstable on his own two legs. Before I could turn and walk into a different room, he spotted me.


His voice boomed over everyone else’s while he stumbled over to me, knocking into four different people on the way. My body tensed as he wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly like I was still his. The smell of alcohol was seeping out of his pores. He certainly had his share of drinks before I came into the room.

“Hi, Brandon.”

Forcing a smile, my words came through gritted teeth as his hand slid down my back, cupping my ass before releasing. I knew better than to do or say anything after he had a few beers. It was a secret I held to myself about how he could get. Though he never hit me, the wall had taken a few punches in the time I had been with him.