Page 8 of Fireworks

Plus, I already told you what he said to me the day after you called him. I still don’t know why out of everyone you could call, you picked him. I still haven’t forgiven you for that.”

She shrugged, laying back down on her blanket.

“I had to call someone.”

That was true but why him?

Collin flopped next to me, curling me into his arms. He was still wet from jumping in the pool on his way back from the snack shack, but I didn’t mind his cool body against mine.

“Hey babe.”

His lips brushed the back of my neck as he fell back onto the blanket.

“The water is barely refreshing today. It was okay earlier, but now it’s just so packed it’s not even worth it.”

I looked out at the pool, which was now filled with people of all ages yelling and entertaining themselves.

“Well, I only planned to come for the sun, so no problem for me.”

Maddie always joined in our conversations, despite Collin’s objections. The two of them tolerated one another for my sake.

“So, am I still not invited to your birthday barbecue?”

Collin pouted in hopes I had changed my mind.

“I told you already, it’s just a family thing.”

Maddie rolled over onto her stomach, interjecting.

“Family, plus Nate.”

I didn’t need to be reminded.

“Well, yeah, but that’s not my choice. My mom has always invited him and his mom. If it was up to me, we wouldn’t be doing any of it.”

Collin traced his finger down my jawline.

“Fine, but you’re still coming over after we go to the fair to get your present from me, right?”

I shook my head, smiling back.

“Of course.”

My eyes scanned the pool, seeing if anyone else we knew was here today. There was always a plethora of well-toned guys walking around, goofing off around the pool. It wasn’t a view I minded at all. My eyes landed on one. He definitely didn’t skip any of his workouts by the look of his perfectly sculpted torso. Salivating at the sight of his abdomen tightening as he stood up, stretching his arms above his head. His happy trail broke his perfect abs up leading down to an enticing V, which I was sure led down to something just as amazing as the rest of his body.

A sudden heat fell over my body. I could feel the blood rushing to my head and a warmth settling between my legs. He was definitely more in shape than Collin. Not that Collin wasn’t a feast for anyone’s eyes, but this guy was the complete package, and he knew it. Our eyes locked before I could look away, surging a level of panic I hadn’t felt since I forgot my homework back in the first grade and got scolded for it. His long finger rose, tipping his glasses down as his eyes peered over the top edge to make sure I knew he saw me.


I hadn’t realized it was Nate until it was too late. He laughed before turning around and walking back into the clubhouse. Just great. He was probably going back to laugh with his buddies about catching me eyeing him up. Maybe the fact that Asher was working today too would save me some humiliation.

It wasn’t my fault I was looking at him. I wasn’t blind to the half-dressed guys walking around the pool all day showing off all their hard work in the gym. He didn’t need to flatter himself that I was checking him out personally. I didn’t even know it was him until our eyes met.