Page 68 of Fireworks

The three little dots took an eternity to turn into words. Now I really wasn’t tired.

Nate: I’m in the lobby

Katie: what? Why? Aren’t you supposed to be out with Asher?

Nate: Can I come up? I’ll explain

Katie: yes.

Butterflies swirled in my stomach as I dashed to the bathroom to run a brush through my hair. Three quick raps on the door had my stomach churning again. Why was he coming here? Cautiously, I opened the door, and he snuck in. At first, he said nothing. He just came in, looking around the room. I had a million questions. Nate turned his body back to me, his hands ran along my jaw, resting just below my ears as he brought me in closer. Suddenly, my mind was completely void of anything but desire that he was going to kiss me again.

His mouth hovered over mine for what felt like an eternity. In one quick sweep his mouth claimed me. He tasted like beer. Something I thought might disgust me like it did when Brandon would kiss me but instead it made heat linger between my legs. Pressing his tongue to my lips, begging for entry I was happy to oblige. Just as quickly as his tongue brushed along mine, exploring my mouth he pulled back. Leaning back in for three quick pecks, he smiled.

“I needed that.”

His voice was low as he pushed my hair behind my ears and released me from his grasp. Staring back at him, I waited to see if he planned on explaining before I had to ask. Crossing the room, he flopped backwards into the bed. His silence toward me did not differ from that one he had throughout dinner. Every time I thought I had it figured out with him, he threw me a curve ball. Either he couldn’t keep his eyes off me, or he was completely ignoring me. Now he was randomly showing up, kissing me like we’re a couple.

When he didn’t seem to be providing me with any clarification I spoke.

“Okay, so care to explain?”

Propping himself up on his elbow, I could tell he was drunk, or at least on the verge. As much as I loved the taste of him on my lips, he couldn’t keep doing this to my heart.

“Right. I was out with your brother, but do you remember Bridget? You met her a few times at the pool. Well, she was down here this week too, and they wanted to catch up. Said they were going back to the place she was staying, so he gave me his keys and said, and I quote, have fun.”

“Still doesn’t explain how you got here.”

Looking back at me, his eyebrow rose, and eyes got wide.

“He told me to have fun.”

“Okay? I’m pretty sure he meant with one of the girls I’m sure were hanging on you when he left.”

The corners of his mouth that were in a permanent state of lift slowly fell at my words. Averting his eyes, in what I could only assume was admission of how his night had played out. Of course, I knew I was right about girls hanging on him. Did he think I was that stupid to not realize that would happen?

“There’s only one girl I want to have fun with and that’s you, darlin’.”

It was just words, but they still made my heart skip a beat as the worry that he would be with someone else slipped out of my mind.

“So, what did you have in mind?”