Pushing past him, I walked to the clerk, who was now intrigued by our exchange and made no attempt to not hide his interest.
“Find everything you came for?”
I nodded, handing him a twenty and told him to keep the change. Brandon was still on my heels as I exited the store.
Waiting to be out of earshot of anyone, I finally turned, my blood boiling.
“What the hell are you doing here?”
I kept my volume down as I spoke through gritted teeth.
“Katie. I miss you. I was an idiot. I see that now. Please, just give me another chance. I promise I’ll do whatever it takes to make it up to you.”
My fingers dug into my palm as my parents came into my line of sight and got closer to us every second.
“I didn’t tell them we broke up, so shut your mouth.”
“Oh, my goodness Katie! You didn’t tell us Brandon was coming. It’s so nice to see you again, dear.”
Wrapping herarms around him, he immediately turned on the charm that I had once been so captivated by.
“It was my little surprise. Katie didn’t even know.”
Flashing his wide grin, I knew this was a recipe for disaster.
“Your brother said to meet back at his apartment. He's going to cook dinner for us. Oh, Katie, you better text him or Nate. They’re food shopping now. Never thought I’d see the day those two boys did food shopping and cooked. You’ll be staying for dinner, won’t you, Brandon?”
He looked back at me, knowing I wouldn’t put up a fight in front of my parents. Inside, I’m seething, but it quickly changes to fear. Nate is the only one who knows that Brandon cheated on me and I kicked him to the curb.
“I’d love to, so long as Katie is okay with it.”
The way he grabbed my hand, kissing my knuckles like everything was sunshine and lollipops, pissed me off even more.
“I’ll text them.”
I quickly type, trying to be short but explain the situation.
Katie: SOS
Nate: what’s wrong?
Katie: Asshole Brandon just showed up. Mom saw him before I could get rid of him and he’s coming to dinner.
Nate: are you fucking kidding me right now? If this is payback for what Asher said at lunch, it’s not funny.
Katie: I wish I was joking. Please don’t be mad. I’ll get rid of him, but tell Asher he may want to buy more food in case I can’t. I’m really sorry.
I cringed, knowing this is not at all what I wanted this trip to be.
“Mom, is it ok if we go off on our own?”
My mom nodded.
“Just make sure to get back in time for dinner.”
“Don’t worry. Won’t be late”
Brandon wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked off. Immediately my body tensed at his touch, but I knew I couldn’t do anything about it without my mom questioning me. When I was sure we were out of their sight, I shoved his arm off me.