Page 42 of Fireworks

What the hell?

She’s the one who screwed me over and now she’s going to give me the cold shoulder.

Skylar made her way out of the bar, not saying a word. It was the first time I saw her get bothered being around another girl. Concern coursed through me. I knew I should probably cut things off with her before she started assuming we were something more than we were. Despite her usual behavior, there was always room for her to change her mind and want things to turn into a relationship.

Looking around the room again, I couldn’t see Katie anywhere. My opportunity to ask her what her problem was just disappeared the minute I let her walk past me. Sitting back at the bar, I ordered a shot of tequila. I needed to drown myself in alcohol until the pain of seeing Katie hanging all over Brandon didn’t sting so much.

An hour and a half had passed. I had lost count of just how many shots I had been served.

“You’re cut off. I’m calling you a ride.”

Slamming my fist on the bar, I knew I was drunk, but I wasn’t done. Sam always acted like I didn’t know how to take care of myself and needed to be taken care of. It was infuriating.

“Just one more. I promise I won’t ask for another.”

I pleaded, hoping to get just one last drink in my system before I went home. Placing a bottle of water in front of me. That was it.

“I fucking hate you. You know that?”

“I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ll let you know when your ride gets here. Until then, water is all you get.”

I knew the hangover that I was going to be dealing with tomorrow was going to suck, but it still wouldn’t compare to how much my head was already spinning from all my poor decisions.

I should have never kissed Katie. Not when she was fourteen and not again before we left for school. I should have kept my hands to myself in her bathroom. I’m sure her boyfriend wouldn’t have liked to know about that. The thought that she probably didn’t even tell him about it made it that much worse. Knowing she was probably ashamed and tried her best to push it out of her mind was just as bad as knowing it would never happen again.