Page 25 of Fireworks

I looked up from my phone, scanning the pool to figure out where he was watching me from this time. Standing with his back against the wall just to the side of the door to the clubhouse, he stood, his eyes watching my every move. Pausing before responding, I let my fingers glide over the keyboard as I gave the answer that he was used to hearing from me.

Katie: Just fine.

The three little dots immediately showed up as I watched him looking down at his phone, typing.

Nate: You still hate me?

I didn’t hesitate as I responded,

Katie: Always.

I could see his shoulders slumped as he read the message.

Nate: Can we talk? I want to fix this.

What the hell wasthis? Did every male in my life want to have a sit down today? All I wanted to do was sit and enjoy my last few days of summer. There was no fixing anything. I had just destroyed my friendship with Collin because I wasn’t looking to start a relationship. Nathan would leave soon enough, and that friendship had sailed away many moons ago. What was the worst that could happen?

Katie: yeah. When?

I could see him look up at me before his hands started moving on his phone again.

Nate: My shift is done in thirty.

Katie: Fine

Maddie made her way back over, rolling her eyes as she sat down next to me.

“You know, my brother is just ridiculous. He heard about Cassie’s party and didn’t want me to go. I don’t know how he is going to survive me being so far away, where he can’t tell me what to do daily. Hey wait, where’s Collin?”

After a large inhale, my exhale was enough to change her expression to an oh no, what happened, face. I sat explaining what was going on and she agreed he was being ridiculous. Although it was cute that he was in love with me, this wasn’t the time to start something new.

“He should know you by now. You don’t stray from your plans once you make them. So, would you totally hate me if I wanted to bail early, and you caught a ride with Nate or your brother home? I need to get back before Brian tells mom and dad that there’s a party.”

Her eyes were wide as she pleaded with me, her lower lip pouting as she clasped her hands together in front of her. I didn’t bother telling her that Nate wanted to talk to me anyway.

“You are lucky I love you so much. Go.”



“I need a ride home.”

Her tone was flat as refused to look at me.

“I can drive you home. I’m pretty sure your mom expects me for dinner. Do you mind if I stop by my house and change quickly?”

“Fine, I don't have a choice, do I? What did you want to talk to me about?”

Her arms stayed folded across her chest as she walked alongside me to my truck. Shoving the key in and turning it, I opened her door for her, not saying a word. While I wanted to talk to her, I still wasn’t sure what to say or how she would receive it. Every conversation we had usually ended with her storming off or giving me an attitude.

I paused at the back of the truck, making my way to the driver's side. It was now or never. As I put the key in the ignition and turned it, the rumble of the truck below us attempted to calm my nerves. However, it was failing miserably. She didn’t say a word as she kept her eyes out the window. Exiting the parking lot, I opened my mouth, my heart pounding in my throat. My grip on the steering wheel got tighter as I fought back the urge to ramble.

“I wanted to say I’m sorry.”

Her head turned just enough for me to see her roll her eyes.

“I’m serious Katie. I’m sorry for how I’ve treated you, especially lately.”