Page 22 of Fireworks

I fought hard not to roll my eyes. What a crock of shit that was. He knew exactly what he was expecting when he invited me over here tonight. Instead, I smiled nervously, unsure what to say. I was feeling tired despite my mid-afternoon nap.

“I’ll be right back. I'm going to clean up.”

Collin got up and kissed my forehead before making his way out of the room. Glancing down at my phone, I had three missed texts. Two from Maddie, which I could already tell without even opening, would be something suggestive, since she knew where I was. I looked down again at my phone, unsure if I should even bother opening the last one. My curiosity got the best of me as my finger tapped to see what the text said.

Nate: If you need anything, no questions asked, text me. And I won’t give you a hard time this time around. Promise.

I should have just blocked Nate’s number. I wasn’t entirely sure why I had never done it before. It wasn’t like he was texting me all the time, but ever since my graduation, he would check up on me with more frequency.

For so many years, I expected everything and everyone to live up to this dream world I had made up in my mind after reading so many romance novels. The realization I came to was that it wasn't real life. The love stories you read in books are fantasy. They are the hopes and dreams of a poor author wishing there was more to life than there is.

The idea that my first kiss was anything more than my brother’s best friend helping me out with a dare was a silly notion. I had been holding onto my magical first kiss as if it meant something special. It may have crushed me after it heard him call me a dork, but there was something about that kiss. It wasn’t the same as when I kissed Collin, or any other guy. Not that there had been a ton of them, but I’d played my fair share of spin the bottle and seven minutes in heaven.

That kiss made my fingers tingle, my stomach fill with butterflies, and my heart explode into fireworks; ones that would put the Fourth of July ones to shame. I did not discount the idea that I had imagined it or embellished it over the years on me.

Collin walked back into the room with a bowl of popcorn and two sodas.

“Want to watch another movie before we call it a night?”

Smiling back at him, I held out my hands to grab the popcorn from him.

“Yeah, but we’re watching what I want this time.”