Page 20 of Fireworks

Chapter Eight



Everyone had settled at the table when Katie walked into the restaurant. Her arm hung in the crook of his elbow as he pulled a chair out for her to sit. My stomach clenched at the sight of them.

This wasn’t a dinner to bring a date to. This was supposed to be a family only event. After a quick call, I found out what this was all about. My mother wanted to announce my acceptance into the grad school program to the whole family together. She was so proud of all I had accomplished. For me, it was just more years of schooling that I didn’t want to do. She had provided me with so much in life.Doing things to make her happy was the least I could do.

Asher had news of his own that he had been holding onto. He was afraid to tell his family he’d be moving to Texas for his new job. It would devastate his mom when she found out he would move over 800 miles away. I could still remember her tears the day we moved into our dorms. That at least was in the same state, and she could barely handle it.

My mother cleared her throat, gaining everyone’s attention.

“So, tonight’s dinner is one that has been one I’ve been waiting for, well, for so many years.”

She turned to face me, her smile radiating happiness. There was no way that I could take that away from her. Not when she gave so much of herself after my dad died.

“We all know our family has been through its difficulties. Had it not been for the Hanover’s and their open arms, I’m not sure we would all be happy and healthy sitting around this table today. The gratitude we have for all of you is immeasurable.”

She took a sip of her wine before swallowing hard.

“Nate, you are going to do such great things in life, and I am so proud that they have accepted you to graduate school. I wish it was closer to home, but I’m so happy that you are taking this step toward your future. Your father would be so proud of the young man you’ve grown into.”

Everyone around the table stared at me before they began offering their congratulations. Everyone except Katie. She sat there staring at me for a moment, something I couldn’t read lingering behind her eyes. No sooner had our eyes locked before she turned back to Collin, placing her hand on his arm and going back to their conversation.

Pushing my pasta around my plate, I wasn’t starving for it once it was in front of me. Watching her with him put knots in my stomach and that fact that I would move away didn’t help. I don’t know what I expected her reaction to be. Part of me wanted her to be happy about it, maybe even a little proud. The other part wanted her to be upset about my departure.

Feigning interest in the conversation around the table, I tried my hardest to not look at them. My eyes couldn’t help but drift her way every time I heard her giggle, or her volume raise when there was a lull at the table. Soon enough, I’d be moving and could forget about her. Throw myself into my studies. Work on my last few hours of flight training. I could do anything I wanted without the distraction of her in my life.

That’s what Katie Hanover had always been. A distraction.



Why hadn’t he mentioned they accepted him into a program? At least that meant he would not be flying planes around like I feared. Today there were plenty of opportunities for him to say, hey I’m moving away just like your brother. Although, based on Asher’s hushed tones about his own move, he might not have told Nate yet either. The only reason he told me was to see when I thought he should break the news to mom and dad. He knew they would not take it well. I’d be leaving for college; he’d be moving. It was going to be a lot on them all at once. Turning into empty nesters was going to be a big change.

Trying my hardest to keep my composure, I continued talking with Collin to keep my mind off how much my life was going to change and all so quickly. My brother was going to be more than just a quick drive away if I needed him. Now his best friend and my stand-in brother was going to be going off and doing his own thing, probably not coming around anymore too, since my brother would be gone.

This news should elate me. The two people who tortured me for so many years would be far away. They would live their own lives. Yet, a pang of guilt stung me in my core at the thought that they wouldn’t be there to protect me anymore.

“So, I can drive you to Maddie’s.”

Collin made sure my parents could hear him as we all made our way out of the restaurant.

“You sure? I wouldn’t want you to have to drive out of your way.”

He smiled back at me. It almost convinced me he was just doing it to be nice, and I knew it was a lie.

“It wouldn’t be.”

“Okay, I just need to grab my bag out of the car.”

Making our way into the parking lot, Nate was standing next to Asher’s car, blocking my way to my bag.

“You may have them fooled, but I know you’re not going to Maddie’s.”

His voice was low as he moved out from in front of the door as I retrieved my bag. I didn’t want to say anything because I knew he could talk me out of what I was doing with just a few words. That’s how it always was with him. He would say jump and for some stupid reason, I would always ask how high. Leaning over me as I pulled the bag off the back seat, his words whispered into my ear.