Page 136 of Fireworks

“You looked great out there on that horse.”


It was a tough choice, but I ripped the bandaid off.

“So, sorry about that back there. I didn’t realize we were going to run into anyone.”

She was short with her answer.

“It’s fine.”

“Obviously not. You have that look on your face, darlin’. I know that one. You’re diving into a rabbit hole right now.”

She reached for the door handle but dropped her hand.

“You called me your fiancé.”

Rubbing my hand along the back of my neck, I had hoped that slipped past her. Savannah was the type that didn’t seem to take a hint. Even if I would have said girlfriend, she would have still tried to pursue me. At least the fiancé made it sound permanent and serious. Which is exactly how I felt about being with Katie.

“Yeah, I uh... I didn’t think Savannah would take the hint that I wasn’t interested. That I never was.”

She twirled the locket between her finger, pulling it along the chain.

“Oh. Alright.”

I loved Katie more than anything else in the world. Taking a leap of faith, I opened my mouth, afraid that I could set myself up for a letdown.

“Would you ever want to be?”

“Be what?”

She paused her nervous habit.

“Married to me. Is that something you could ever see with us?”

As her eyes rose slowly to meet mine, my heart was ready to leap out of my chest. I never realized the way my mother had felt about my dad, that he was the only one she could ever give her heart to, was the same way I felt with Katie Hanover. I could see us having a life together forever.

“Yeah. Could you?”

“Darlin’. If I could go buy you a ring right now and drop down on one knee, I would.”

Her eyes widened as I spoke. Leaning across the console, I pulled her closer, planting one quick and gentle kiss on her lips.

“But you darlin’ don't deserve some half assed, ask you in my truck the day before your birthday proposal. Trust me, I’ll make you my wife one day, Katie Hanover. When you say yes, I’ll be the happiest man alive”

“I love you, Nathan.”

“I love you too but darlin’, but I still hate when you call me that.”

She smirked before opening her door.

“I know. I dare you to teach me a lesson.”

That was a dare I would never turn down.