Page 112 of Fireworks

“When did you switch? I thought you were going for education?”

“I just decided recently.”

I didn’t want to tell her the real reason I had switched. Nate and I had been talking so much about his job at the construction site before everything went to shit. One day he brought me to the site to pick up his paycheck. Of course, he got cocky and started showing me around and explaining everything. The entire process of building and designing intrigued me. After that, I switched my major. I hadn’t even told Nate. I knew he would support me, but at the time I was scared he would talk me out of it.

My mind drifted away until I heard Noah’s voice again.

“Wow. That sounds pretty hard.”

Noah was enthusiastic and I could remember just how exciting it was for the first few days when classes started. For me, that twisted into a dread of my failure quickly. It wasn’t until the very end of the year that I finally felt like I knew what I was doing. Making our way over to the couch, Noah and I settled in as I asked him what some classes he was taking his first semester were. Doing my best to ignore the eyes I felt burning through my back, I turned my full attention to Noah. Focusing on him was just a way to push Nate from my mind.

“It probably will be, but everything in life is. So, do you plan on rushing the same fraternity as your brother?”

Noah rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

“Nah, not my scene. Since you’re living out here, I take it you didn’t join any sororities?”

The thought of me being a part of a sorority was laughable.

“Oh, definitely not, I’m too focused on my academics to throw myself into something like that. Plus who needs a sorority when you can just live with your best friend?”

We had been sitting and talking for a little while when I realized my water was empty. It was easy chatting with Noah, probably because he didn’t know me.

“I’m going to grab another water. Do you want anything?”

I stood adjusting my shirt making my way into the kitchen. Trying hard to keep up the act that I was fine and just like everyone else in the world.

“Any chance I can get a beer since my brother seems to have disappeared?”

Noah wiggled his brow, leaning over the back of the couch. Shaking my head, I walked back in from the kitchen with soda and water. Settling back onto the couch, I flipped the soda toward him.

“Not a chance. I’m not dealing with Paul being pissed at me for corrupting you.”

“You seriously don’t think I’ve already been corrupted? You’re not as smart as you look, Katie.”

He lowered his voice as he leaned in closer to my ear.

“You’d be amazed at the things I’ve done.”

The warmth of his breath sent a shiver down my spine. My eyes laser focused as his hand slid onto my knee. I could feel my chest tightening and the room started feeling smaller with each of my breaths.

“I’ll be right back. I need to use the bathroom.”

Excusing myself, I hurried to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. Sliding to the floor, my back pressed against the hard door. I clasped my hand over my mouth to stifle any sound that tried to escape. The tears burned my skin as they streaked my cheeks with their wetness.

What was I doing?

Noah didn’t lack confidence, but I wasn’t looking to be hit on right now. I was trying to be hospitable and give Paul and Ryder some of their much needed alone time.

“What the fuck did you do?”

I heard Paul’s voice boom throughout the entire place.

“Nothing. What the hell is your problem?”

I could hear the front door open.

“We’re going. Get off your ass and go down to the car. NOW!”