Page 58 of Fireworks

He moved away, sitting upright next to me.

“Not the way you’re thinking.”

I rolled over, unsure if I wanted to even ask more. Inevitably, my voice did what it wanted.

“Okay, so explain it to me then because I just don’t get it.”

His chest rose as his hand rubbed the back of his neck.

“It’s torture knowing I can’t have you right now. That last night is all I’ll ever have of you. It’s that I can’t tell my best friend about this amazing girl who I had the most mind-blowing sex with last night. That I have to lie to him and pretend I can’t stand being around you for any length of time when all I want to do is pull you close to me right now and kiss you until you fall asleep in my arms.”

There was a pain hiding his eyes as he spoke. A pain that I had caused. I sat in silence, my chest tightening up as he sat looking down at his hands, neither of us sure what to do or say.

“You’re with Brandon now too, so on top of it I’m the asshole you cheated on him with. So, there’s that too.”

I wanted Nate more than anything I had ever wanted before in my life. Last night had been unexpected, that was for sure, but the minute our lips collided, I knew it was right.

“No, you’re not.”

“How am I not?”

Spinning my body around to face him. My knees tucked under me, I leaned into him, my hands resting on my lap.

“Because I broke up with him two weeks ago when he found a girl who put out after a few shots.”

“What a fucking douche bag. Seriously?”

I nodded. At first, the whole thing aggravated me. The more I thought about it, the more I realized he would have probably dumped me after I finally gave up my V card. Between his drinking and his inability to keep it in his pants, I was better off without him. Even if he had called me constantly, still begging for my forgiveness, it didn’t matter to me. We were over.

“So, I’m your rebound. Somehow, that makes me feel even worse.” \

Smacking my palm to my face, I didn’t want to go into the details, so I tried to keep it short.

“No, Craig and Harden beat you to that. You’re the knight in shining armor who saves me from myself.”

Our eyes finally lock and without warning, his hands are cradling my face as we collide into one another. Pushing me onto my back, his arms cage me on the mattress, and I didn’t mind it one bit.

“I want you Nate.”

I utter between desperate gasps of air, as our mouths can’t seem to keep off one another. As his body pressed against mine, I can feel his pants bulging, his cock trying to force its way out. Reaching down, I tug the waistband of his pants, freeing him from the constriction of his clothing.

“Fuck darlin’ don’t do that.”

He tried to pull back as I wrapped my hand around his shaft.

“Why Nathan? Have a problem with someone else being in charge?”

Our tongues danced together as he released the same grunting moan he did the night before.

“You think you’re funny, don’t you? You are not in charge.”

His body pressed harder into me as he grabbed my hand off his cock, pinning it above my head. His teeth grazed my ear as he whispered.

“Don’t test me, darlin’.”

His lips touching my skin set it on fire. A fire that I wanted to consume every inch of me. My entire body tingled as his hands traced around my body, touching me so gently, like I could break if he put too much pressure in any one spot. I tried to watch his every move; I could barely keep my eyes open as the delight his touch caused took over. My breath hitched each time he connected to a new spot driving me closer to the edge but never over it.

“How’s that?”