Page 56 of Fireworks

“There is no way you’re driving my truck. I’m fine. It’s just like five more hours. I can do it.”

He was always so damn stubborn. God forbid he was told to do anything. It was like his brain contorted the phrases and flipped them to mean the opposite every time.

“Nathan just pull over. Go sleep in a bed for a few hours before you kill us falling asleep behind the wheel.”

“Why do you have to call me that? You know how much I hate it.”

I smirked, placing my hand on his shoulder.

“Because I know you’ll pay attention when I do.”

Rolling his eyes, he glanced over at me.

“I’m always paying attention. How do you think I know everything?”

“Oh, please, you don’t know everything. Cocky today, aren’t you?”

I could feel our regular banter returning and it gave me a little hope that maybe things wouldn’t be as awkward as they felt this whole ride.

“I’ll prove it. Ask me anything.”

“Okay. What’s my favorite color?”

“Easy one, periwinkle.”

I sat, thinking hard. He was right. Basically, anyone who knew me growing up knew that.

“Favorite animal?”

I barely finished the question before he was answering.

“Horses. Even though you’re afraid to ride one.”

I quickly shoot another question out.

“Something I’m afraid of?”

“Heights, spiders, not being perfect.”

He shot me a smile as my arms crossed my chest. It was pissing me off a little that he wasn’t wrong.

“The longest fight I ever had with Asher.”

There was no way he knew that one.

“Two weeks. It was after he threw one of your books out. When your mom finally found out, she made him use his allowance to buy you a new one. He was so pissed since he was close to saving up enough for the video game he wanted.”

We both laughed, remembering Asher’s reaction. Damn. He really was always paying attention.

“Okay there is no way you know this one, what’s my favorite tree?”

His eyes left the road just long enough to make sure I saw him.

“That weird looking one across from the library. You used to spend so much time in the summer reading under it.”

He was insufferable with his observations.

“Reason I don’t fly.”